

Studies on Beijing Floriculture Industry and the Developing Plan for 2003-2015 Floriculture Industry

【作者】 谢丽

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20多年来,我国花卉业发展迅速,北京花卉业在发展过程中逐渐形成了自己的特点。面对社会经济快速发展、城市建设加快及2008奥运对北京花卉业的特殊要求,急需对其进行准确定位、科学规划,以便对北京花卉产业实施宏观调控、科学指导。 自2002年8月至2004年4月,先后调查了北京、广州、浙江等地的花卉生产经营情况,尤其重点调查了北京4个城区,10个郊区县的100多家花卉生产大中型企业和农户以及21家大型花卉批发市场,对北京花卉生产现状、生产布局、经营管理状况、产品结构、流通体系、花卉消费、科研等方面进行了全面摸底调查。 在详细掌握了北京花卉产业第一手资料的基础上,总结出北京花卉业的特点、存在的问题、产业优势、发展趋势等。完成了北京花卉产业2003-2015年发展规划。将北京花卉产业定位为:全国盆花和种苗生产中心;全国花卉新品种培育、生产技术研发和信息咨询中心;中国北方新优花木示范推广中心;全国花卉物流中心。确定了花卉产业发展内容。通过定性、定量分析,利用数学模型计算出北京花卉产业发展的增长速度,确定了发展的目标和具体指标。应用产业集群理论对北京花卉生产布局和流通体系进行调整,规划出花卉生产七大产区、三大花卉物流中心和花卉批发市场分布。用量本利分析法对北京三种生产模式的优劣进行比较分析,建议扩大“公司+农户”的生产经营模式,将三种生产类型的优势结合起来,以加快产业化步伐。为北京市发展花卉产业提供了宏观指导和战略决策的依据。

【Abstract】 Chinese floriculture industry has been developing very rapidly in the recent 20years. Beijing floriculture industry has formed its own features in the process of development, and at present it has reached the key point of industry adjustment and need a development plan for macroscopical guide. From August 2002 to April 2004, the floriculture production and operation in Beijing, Guangzhou, Zhejiang province and other places have been investigated successively. Through the investigation of more than 100 floriculture enterprises and growers as well as 21 large-scale floriculture wholesale market in 4 city zones and 10 suburb counties, a clear survey of the floriculture production status, production distribution, operation status, product structure, circulation system, floriculture consumption, and scientific research in Beijing has been gained. The first draft of 2003-2015 developing plan of Beijing floriculture industry has been made on the basis of the analysis of the first-hand investigation document. Four conversaziones have been held with the experts in Beijing floriculture line, personnel concerned in floriculture enterprises, administrative department, and market circulation department. Referring to the floriculture industry research products and confirming with the requirement of Olympic games to Beijing floriculture industry, the 2003-2015 development plan of Beijing floriculture industry has made systematically for the first time.

  • 【分类号】F326.1
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1654