
以建设中国先进文化为目标 改进思想政治工作

Regard Building Advanced Culture of China as the Goal Improve the Ideological and Political Work

【作者】 吴智泉

【导师】 徐木彬;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在新世纪,中西方意识形态由冷战时期的突显政治性向文化的大众性回归,意识形态与文化系统开始新一轮整合。作为意识形态工作内容之一的思想政治工作必须适应时代的发展变化,我们必须对时代文化的新发展做出相应的反应,给予足够的重视,在思想政治工作中引入先进文化的概念,也是实践“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现。代表中国先进文化的前进方向是中国共产党的一面旗帜,建设中国先进文化也就应该成为新时期思想政治工作的一个重要目标。 本文正是围绕着建设中国先进文化的这一目标,来探讨在新时期如何改进思想政治工作。从先进文化、社会主义精神文明和思想政治工作的关系出发,加强和改进思想政治工作对建设中国先进文化起着一个基础性的作用。而如何改进思想政治工作,从总体的思路上来讲,我们一定要围绕建设中国先进文化这一历史性目标。 本文提出的培育有中国特色的公民政治价值观念,正确理解和坚持集体主义原则,贯彻“以人为本”、建立社会主义的人道主义道德基础,在意识形态领域继续批判和反对封建思想,树立“大思想政治工作观”,重视家庭教育的影响作用等观点旨在从与文化相关的角度来分析传统思想政治工作实践和理论研究中存在的不足,站在文化的视角来探讨改进思想政治工作的切入点,把思想政治工作作为建设中国先进文化的有力武器和有效的途径,同时拓展思想政治工作者的视野,走出以我为主体的宣教,把自己的工作融入时代进步之中,融入文化发展之中,融入中华民族的复兴之中。也只有这样,我们才能真正培养出“四有新人”,思想政治工作的传统目标才能真正实现。

【Abstract】 In new century, the ideology’s characteristic of the West and China become masses nature of culture from obvious nature of politic by cold war, ideological and culture become a new round of merger. As one of the working content of ideologies, the ideological and political work must adapt the development and change of the times. We must make the corresponding respond to the new development of era’s culture, and pay enough attention, quote the concept of culture in ideological and political work, this also is the concrete embodiment of the important thought of the “Three Represents”. The progressive direction of representing Chinese advanced culture is a flag of the Communist Part of China, building Chinese advanced culture should be an important goal in the new period’s ideological and political work. The article just around the goal of building advanced Chinese culture, research how to improve the ideological and political work in new period. Proceed from the relation of advanced culture, socialist spiritual civilization, strengthen and improve ideological and political work, play a basic role for building advanced Chinese culture However, how to improve ideological and political work, from total train of thought, we must be around the historical goal of building Chinese advanced culture. The point of view that the article puts forward such as the political values of citizens with Chinese characteristic of cultivating, understand and adhere to the collectivism principle correctly , carry out “people first”, rebuilding the socialist humanitarian of moral foundation, continue to criticizing and object to the feudal thought in the ideological sphere, establish the great ideological and political work view”, pay attention to the influence and function of home education, etc, in order to analyze the defect of the research from the point of view with culture; stand at visual angle of culture to probe into the point of contact of improving ideological and political work, regard the ideological and political worker’s vision at the same time, go out of the propaganda and education of “me first”, enter one’s own work in the <WP=4>progression of era, dissolve it in the development of culture and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only in this way, we can really train “new talents of Si You”, the traditional goal of ideological and political work can be really realized.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【下载频次】115