

【作者】 周永辉

【导师】 叶高峰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 徇私枉法罪在我国古代即已有了规定,当时一般称为“出入人罪”,属官罪,并规定了较为严格的惩罚措施,本罪一直以来在司法实践中都颇受关注和重视,主要原因在于本罪是一种职务犯罪,破坏的是正常的司法秩序,使国家威信受到损害,社会危害性相当严重。 本罪在1997年刑法颁布实施后,以一种新的罪名出现,相对其他如渎职、贪污贿赂犯罪,在理论研究上探讨较少,司法解释也较为滞后,为司法实践中的具体操作带来一定的困难。本文主要从三个大的方面去研究探讨徇私枉法罪。 第一部分为该罪的概念和犯罪构成。徇私枉法罪的概念在刑法学各种教材上基本上是比较统一的;在犯罪构成上,本文从四个方面详细进行了论述:1、犯罪客体。徇私枉法罪的犯罪客体表现为侵犯了国家司法机关的正常诉讼秩序,在一些特殊情形中如徇私枉法使无罪的人受追诉或者裁判,则同时又侵犯了公民的合法权益,构成了复杂客体;2、犯罪的客观方面。本罪的客观方面特征表现在三个方面:(1)明知有罪的人而使他不受追诉;(2)明知无罪的人而使他受追诉:(3)故意违背事实和法律作枉法裁判。对几种存在争议的特殊客观方面的特征分析:(1)关于“无罪的人”和“有罪的人”的认定与探讨。“无罪的人”是指该人没有实施过任何危害社会的行为或虽然实施了一定危害行为但根据刑法规定不认为是犯罪或不负刑事责任的人;“有罪的人”是指本罪涉及的前案嫌疑人的行为,只要当时有证据证明达到刑事案件查处的标准,即可认定前案行为人为“有罪的人”;(2)违法采取或变更强制措施的徇私和枉法行为包括对明知无罪的人采取强制措施、对已构成犯罪的嫌疑人、被告人不符合逮捕条件而逮捕、对已被依法逮捕、拘留的嫌疑人、被告人违法变更强制措施三个方面;(3)关于“追诉”的涵义。追诉包括立案、起诉、裁判、调查取证和适用强制措施五种行为;(4)“利用职务上的便利”是本罪客观方面的必然要求,利用的是刑事司法权力,但共同犯罪中没有利用职务之便仍可构成本罪的共犯。3、犯罪主体。(1)司法实务中对刑事诉讼各阶段司法工作人员在各自工作职责方面划分比较清楚,对侦查机关、检察机关和审判机关中从事刑事诉讼活动的正式工作人员为本罪主体存在争议较少,争议比较大的是监管机关的监管人员,司法机关中的司法专业技术鉴定人员、人民法院的人民陪审员,以及司法机关中的内勤、书记员和其他从事刑事诉讼活动而具有某种职责的人能否成为该罪的主体。以上人员虽身份特殊,但在担负有关职责时仍有可能构成拘私枉法罪;(2)单位不可以成为本罪的犯罪主体。本文对以上有争议主体如何认定作了较为详尽的评析;4、犯罪的主观方面。本文着重从,明知‘和‘故意’的认定以及,殉私‘、’拘情,的概念和含义等角度对主观方面进行了辨析。构成本罪的主观方面必须是直接故意,明知对刑事诉讼秩序造成严重危害而追求这种结果的出现;拘私、拘情是主观表现形式之一,是本罪的必要要件;为了小团体的利益而实施的行为,行为人主观上仍是私利,能够构成拘私;梅私、拘情是本罪的犯罪动机。 本文第二大部分为拘私枉法罪的认定。首先,要分清罪与无罪的界限,注意主观上是否有明知和故意,客观上实施的行为能否具备刑法规定的不构成犯罪的条件;其次,要分清此罪与彼罪的界限,有几种容易和该罪混淆的犯罪,如包庇罪、伪证罪、枉法裁判罪、报复陷害罪等;第三,要分清拘私枉法罪的罪数形态,实施同一个拘私枉法行为侵害了数个客体,拘私枉法犯罪中的想象竞合主要表现在与滥用职权罪、报复陷害罪的竞合;拘私枉法犯罪的牵连犯本文从受贿罪分析认为应比照一罪从重处罚;第四,拘私枉法罪的特殊犯罪构成。关于特殊犯罪构成,法律和司法解释中均没有明确规定,本文认为,严重的犯罪构成其情节应包括放纵了犯罪分子、造成冤、假、错案使当事人权利受到严重损害,行为人的行为在社会上造成恶劣影响三个方面;特别严重的犯罪构成其情节应包括故意包庇重大犯罪分子、包庇多名犯罪分子、多次放纵犯罪分子、造成重大冤、假、错案,造成极为恶劣影响五个方面。 本文第三大部分是对目前我国对拘私枉法罪的立法现状介绍了解,对故重故轻枉法追诉、裁判行为刑法中没有规定,但司法实践中确实存在,应在立法上对此予以完善,本罪在涉及一罪及数罪时,如不属想象竞合犯、牵连犯,可明确规定予以数罪并罚。

【Abstract】 The crime of bending the law to serve one’s personal considerations for favoritism (referred to as "the crime" or "this crime" hereafter) have existed in ancient China already. This crime, called "offense of imposing lighter or heavier sentences" at that time, was included in the official crime and constituted many quite stem rules for punishment. As a kind of official offense, the crime destroys the normal justice regulations, blemishes the national prestige and does much harm to the society seriously. Therefore, this crime has attracted great attentions in justice practice.This crime appeared as a new name after the Criminal Law in 1997 was promulgated. Comparing with others crimes such as malfeasance crime and malversation crime, the academic research on this crime is scarce and the judicial interpretation of this crime is comparatively over-dated. All of these have brought some difficulties to the detailed operations in justice practice. In view of the above-mentioned circumstances, the thesis analyzes and discusses this crime from three parts.The first part is bout the concept of this crime and its criminal constitution. The concept of this crime is consistent in all kinds of publications on the Criminal Law Science. And the thesis discusses the criminal constitution from four aspects as follows: 1. the criminal object. The criminal object of this crime shows that not only the normal law procedures are destroyed, but also the people’s legal rights and interests are trespassed in some special situations such as a sinless person is prosecuted or convicted. So these form a complex object; 2. the criminal objectivity. The characteristics of the objectivity of this crime are presented from three aspects as follows: (1) intentionally protecting from prosecution persons they clearly know to be guilty; (2) subjecting to prosecution persons they clearly know to be innocent; (3) bending the judgments violating the facts and laws. Then, the characteristics of several sorts of special disputed objects are analyzed: (1) the identification of "guilty person" and "guiltless person". A "guiltless person" means that this person doesn’t do anything harming the society orisn’t thought to be guilty or be necessary to take on the criminal responsibilities, thought he or she maybe has done some but not enough harm to the society, by the Criminal Law. And a "guilty person" is about the suspect’s behaviors in the former case, which means that this behavioral person in the former case is thought to be guilty if there are evidences proving that it should be dealt with as a criminal case; (2) The behaviors of bending the law to serve one’s personal considerations for favoritism are consisted of three parts: adopting the forcible actions on the person they clearly know to be innocent, arresting the person that should not be arrested, illicitly changing the forcible fashions on the suspects or indictees that have been arrested; (3) the signification of "prosecution". It includes five kinds of behavior, i.e. registering case, being sued, judging, achieving evidences by investigating and taking forcible measures; (4) "Taking advantage of one’s office" is necessary for this crime. However, one can be an accessory in common crime though he does not take advantage of his office. 3. The subject of the crime. (1) The responsibilities of the justice personnel have been given clearly in justice practice. And there are seldom disputes on whether the formal justice personnel, i.e. personnel with the official duties of investigating, prosecuting, judging or surveillance are the subjects of this crime. However, as the personnel structure of judicial organizations are rather complicated, there are lots of disputes in judicial practice in terms of whether the personnel, such as surveillance officers, judicial technical specialists, juryman, clerks, office stuff, should be included in "judicial personnel" or not. These persons can be prosecuted by this crime when they take on some duties; (2) an organization can not become the subject of this c

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】147