

【作者】 魏美莲

【导师】 张鸿声;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 沈从文被誉为现代中国的“风俗画家”,他的小说以恬静冲淡的风格,小品散文的笔调,诗词曲令的意境,描绘出湘西边城的美丽风光,反映了“优美、健康、自然,而又不悖于人性的人生形式”,刻画出众多性格鲜明,栩栩如生的人物形象。其代表作《边城》,《长河》等充分体现了他的诗化小说艺术的主要特点。本文主要探讨沈从文湘西小说的诗化风格及审美表现,以此来领略其小说丰富的艺术内涵。 文章共分三章: 第一章,主要分析沈从文湘西小说内容的诗化。歌唱率真淳朴的人性是沈从文湘西小说最重要的特征,他在小说中将生命形式和生活形式高度统一,以抒情的方式加以呈现。沈从文的湘西小说充满了浓烈的乡土气息,即情景的诗化,被称为“乡土抒情诗”。他的乡土作品,融汇着理想性与浪漫化的情调,在他的笔下大多是诗化了的人、景、物,闪烁着作家理想的光芒。 第二章,主要分析沈从文湘西小说构成诗性的艺术技巧。他的小说是诗化小说的典范之作,其诗化特征表现在四个方面,最突出的是他在这些乡土抒情诗中描绘了几种优美的意境:古朴神秘的社会画面,隐约朦胧的人生画面,忧郁而美丽的情感画面和色彩明丽的生命原野。 第三章,探讨了沈从文湘西小说诗性风格的形成原因。清新、秀丽、古朴的湘西给沈从文提供了无穷的创作素材,而他的自然观念也使他的湘西小说带有梦幻的抒情色彩。进入都市后的挫折又使他对家乡风土人情梦牵魂绕,诗化的风格更加明显。 最后,文章分析了沈从文湘西小说的成就。他的乡土题材作品是诗化小说,也是乡土小说的经典之作,产生了久远的艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 Shen Congwen is honored as a custom artist of modern China. His novels, like fresh wind, describe the beautiful scenery of the city of Xiang xi. It is graceful, healthy and natural. But it isn’t against human nature . He vividly portrays many characters with strong character. His articles, BIAN CHENG and CHANG HE, both show his poetic style. This article mainly talks about his poetic style and his appreciation of beautiful. It can be divided into three parts.Chapter 1. His novels show the simple human nature and ’it is full of rich flavour of countryside. All of these show us with strong emotion. It maxes idesl and romantic. All the persons , scenery and things, reflect the light of the writer’s ideal.Chapter 2, It shows his novel art. His novels are the model of poeticnovels. We can see this from the following four ways: simple society pictures , hazy life pictures , beautiful emotion pictures and bright field pictures , especial several kinds of wonderful views.Chapter 3. The fresh beautiful and simple Xiang xi provides Shen Congwen with many materials of writing. At the same time his ideas about nature also odd his novels many bright colours. The failures in the city make him miss his hometown and the persons there. All of these form his poetic style of writing.At last. The article analyses his achievements. His articles are poetic articles. They are also models of countryside novels. They have magic charm and will be remembered for ever

【关键词】 乡土抒情诗意境诗化小说
【Key words】 pastoral poemliterary moodpoetic novel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1132