

【作者】 张怡云

【导师】 鲁嵩岳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪中期以来,洗钱活动迅猛发展,并逐步发展成为一个专门性的、复杂的犯罪领域,危及全球经济发展。洗钱的严重社会危害性,促使各国纷纷将洗钱行为规定为犯罪,予以严厉的刑事打击。本文对国际和各国有关刑法中对洗钱罪的规定进行比较研究,从而为完善我国刑法中有关洗钱罪的规定试作一点探讨。全文共分六个部分: 第一部分洗钱罪产生的背景,从分析美国、英国、国际社会、我国大陆沈钱罪产生的背景,概括洗钱罪产生的两个特点:第一,反洗钱刑法规范的产生是从个别到一般,即首先是个别发达国家制定了反沈钱刑法规范,然后是随《联合国禁毒公约》的签署,世界各国普遍制定了反洗钱刑法规范。第二,国际反洗钱刑法规范异同并存,虽然国际性与区域性反洗钱刑法规范对于各国国内立法的交互作用,在很大程度上协调与统一了各国的反洗钱国内立法,但是,由于各种国际性与区域性反洗钱刑法规范本身就存在差异,再加上各国政治、经济、文化的不同,对洗钱的认识程度不同,对洗钱犯罪的概念及其构成要件仍然存在着较大的差异。尽管各国关于反洗钱刑法规范规定的内容越趋于一致,似乎越有利于打击跨国洗钱活动,但由于客观条件的限制,差异依然存在,不容易消除。 第二部分洗钱罪的行为对象,从洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围和洗钱罪对象的表现形式两方面进行比较研究。首先,从洗钱罪的“上游犯罪”的范围来看,国外、国际的有关规定大致可以分为三类一是狭义的上游犯罪即只惩处贩毒所得的洗钱行为,最初见于国际社会的反毒斗争的相关立法中,如《联合国禁毒公约》。二是广义的上游犯罪,对所有犯罪所得的洗钱行为进行惩处,如《欧洲反洗钱公约》。三是有限的“上游犯罪”,只惩处某些特定的犯罪所得的洗钱行为,既非一切性质的犯罪所得,亦不限于毒品犯罪所得,大多数国家均采用这种立法模式。我国刑法仅将洗钱罪的“上游犯罪”的范围规定为毒品犯罪、黑社会性质组织犯罪、走私犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪四类犯罪,明显范围过窄、应当扩大沈钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围。因为这样规定不利于打击洗钱犯罪活动,也不利于打击其他犯罪活动,还不利于打击洗钱罪的国际司法协助与合作。因此,扩大我国洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围,不仅势在必行,而且迫在眉睫。但扩大应是合理的扩大,不应盲日地、不顾实际国情地扩大至一切犯罪,必须将限制在一定的合理范围内。否则,可能会使得赃物犯罪处于虚掷状态,并且将因受制于有限的司法资源无法实现而变成“立法废物”。因此,笔者认为对洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围应作合理扩大,我国刑法第191条洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围应修改为:走私犯罪、毒品犯罪、黑社会性组织犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、贪污犯罪、受贿犯罪、诈骗犯罪、偷税漏税犯罪以及其他可能被处以4年以上有期徒刑或更重刑罚的犯罪。其次,从洗钱罪对象的表现形式来看,从各国、名地区刑法立法规定大致可以为分3类:(1)明确规定限于有形财产,如德国、葡萄牙;(2)明确规定包括无形财产。如荷兰、意大利物、英国、美国、我国大陆等;(3)是否包括无形财产规定不明,如《法国刑法典》规定的“收入”。把洗钱罪对象规定为有形财产和无形财产有利于打击洗钱犯罪,这是大多数国家所采用的。 第三部分洗钱罪的行为方式,探讨六个问题。一是洗钱罪是否可以由不作为构成,有的国家将不作为设定为洗钱罪的客观构成,笔者认为随着一系列金融法规的颁布实施,在我国洗钱罪也可以由不作为构成。二是洗钱罪是行为犯、结果犯还是危险犯,不同的规定反映各国对洗钱行为危害程度的认识不同。三是洗钱罪是否存在未遂形态,少数国家刑法中将洗钱罪“基本构成”行为包括既遂与未遂两种行为,笔者认为我国刑法中洗钱罪存在未遂形态。四是从对洗钱渠道的限定性方面考察,洗钱不仅限于金融机构,还有其他途径。五是从掩饰、隐瞒犯罪收益的性质或内容的角度看,洗钱行为不仅限于掩饰、隐瞒犯罪收益的性质和来源,当然,不同的国家规定不同。六是从洗钱模式来看,被确立为犯罪的洗钱行为!、泛存在于洗钱的三个阶段。 第四部分洗钱罪的主体,探讨两个问题。一是“上游犯罪”的主体是否可以成为洗钱罪的主体,有的国家规定可以,有的规定不可以。笔者认为从逻辑上讲,犯罪分子实施犯罪获得财产以后,自然要对之进行清洗,使之成为合法财产,这种“不可罚的事后行为”,从本质上讲,具有“阻却责任”的性质,自然不能独立成罪。二是法人组织是否可以成为洗钱罪的主体,有的国家规定可以,有的国家规定不可以。从目前的刑事立法发展趋势看,将洗钱罪的主体确立为包括法人组织或非法人组织应当说是一个世界性的潮流,我国的立法顺应了这一潮流。 第五部分洗钱罪的罪过形式,探讨三个问题。一是过失能否构成洗钱罪,各国均规定故意可以构成洗钱罪,少数国家将过失也列入洗钱罪的构成要件,笔者认为我国目前未将过失列入洗钱罪的构成要件,符合我国的实际情况。二是洗钱罪是否要求行为人对财产是犯罪所得的非法收益“明知”,对财产是犯罪所得的非法收益行为人是否“明知”?

【Abstract】 From the middle of 20th century, money-laundry has developed very fast, which became a professional and complicated crime. More and more counties noticed that money-laundry can destroy social security, so they stipulated as a kind of crime and defeat it seriously. This article compared the regulation of money-laundry crime of different countries and discussed how to consummate our consummate our country’s law-making in terms of money-laundry crime This article is divided into six parts.Part one illustrates the background of the rise of money-laundry crime. Through the analysis of American, British, the mainland of China and some other countries, I include two features. The first, some developed countries put this crime into criminal law, and then more and more countries kept the trend along with the subcription of Unti-drug Pact of UN. The second, international unti-money-laundry regulation harmonized and unified domestic regulation in great degree. However ,as the difference in terms of politation, economics, culture as well as the understanding of this crime, the concepts and constitutions of this crimes are still not unifed.Part Two demonstrate the targets of money-laundry crime and discussed the pre-crime and the subject of this crime. Firstly, the law and regulations home and abroad can be devided into three categories. 1st, From the narrow sence, the pre-crime only refers to drug-deal crime whish showed in "Unti-drug Past of UN". 2nd,from the broad sence ,the pre-crime include all kinds of crime which showed in "Unti-money-laundry pact of European". 3rd, From compromised sence, pre-crime include some certain kinds of crimes which is adoped by most countries. In our country’s Criminal Law, the pre-crime involve drug-trafficking gangsteram crime, smuggle and horror activeties. In our country, the circuit of the pre-crime isn’t broad enough to crackdow money-laundry and other kind of crime. So broaden the circuit of the pre-crime is not only essencial but also very urgent. However, this process must according the condition of our nation. Aslong as I concerned, the circuit should extend to corruption, beribery chicane tax-dodoing as well as some other crimes that can lead to penal servitude for a definite period over 4 years. The second, the law and regulations can be devided into three categories in terms of the subject of money-laundry crime. 1st, it only refers to concret possessions eg. German, Putign; 2nd, it involve both concret and bodiless possession, eg. Dutch. Britain, Italy, British, USA, the mainland of China. Third, whether it includes bodyness possession is not cleared. Eg, the word "income" in German Criminal Law.Part Three illustrates the objective aspect of money-laundry crime that discussed six questions. First whether this crime can caused by passive action. Second, whether this crime is demeanour crime, consequence crime or peril crime. Third whether attempted offence can trigger this crime. Fourth the channel of this crime is not only finance constitute . Fifth the aim of this crime is not only covering up the illegal income. Sixth, the action of can exist in every steps of this crime.Par Four discusses the object of money-laundry crime. Firstly, whether the object of pre-crime can considered as the object of money laundry crime. In my opinion, logically, the criminal will certainly wash up the illegal income after crime which can change them into legal income. So this action can be considered as legal excuses which cannot become a independence crime. Secondly, it is a trend that both legal person and non-legal person can become the object of money-laundry crime.Part Five shows the subjective aspect of money-laundry crime which focuses on three questions: Firstly, whether negligence can be the subjective aspect of this crime. Form the author point of view. It’s practical for our country not to include negligence as the subjective aspect. Secondly, The criminal law varies from country to country about whether or not the criminal should be aware of their illegal poverty. Generally, th

【关键词】 洗钱罪比较研究构成要件处罚
【Key words】 money-laundry crimecomparebackgroundpenalty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】340