

【作者】 姬英敏

【导师】 王长水;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放深入发展,传统的执法观念受到前所未有的冲击,保障人权的司法理念普遍被受到关注和接纳。由于这种司法理念的变化,使得对证据合法性的审查成为刑事诉讼活动中的焦点。在我国刑事立法和司法实践中,长期存在着重实体、轻程序、重打击、轻保护的倾向。从长远看,要体现司法的公正和效率,必须要树立保障人权和控制犯罪的新的执法理念,在刑事诉讼中制定和完善非法证据排除规则。 刑事诉讼中的违法取证行为,直接侵害了取证所涉及的对象的合法权利。这些权利包括生命权、自由权、财产权、隐私权等由宪法规定的个人所享有的权利。在近代世界上,保障人权越来越受到各国人民、各国政府和国际组织的重视。对非法证据的排除,早已受到国际社会的接受和认同。在许多国家的刑事程序中,都确认了刑事非法证据排除规则,即法律授权的官员违反法律规定的权限或程序,或以违法方法取得的证据,在审判时应予排除。该规则是人类对于刑事诉讼规律及违法取证危害性的认识日趋深刻的必然结果,也是人类社会文明、民主与进步的必然要求。 我国立法及有关司法解释对刑讯逼供、诱供以及其他非法手段取证已明文禁止。它显示了程序正当理念在我国已取得司法界同仁的共识,表明了现代司法对传统证据制度刑讯合法化的摒弃,对非法证据的否定评价与排除热心。 然而,程序正当理念在刑事立法中的渗透以及刑事司法非法证据飞沪排除规则的初步凸现,只显示了我国证据制度的些许进步趋势,却掩盖不了其缺陷与不足:非法证据的排除规则适于非法证据的外延过狭;刑事司法对于非法实物证据及其“毒树之果”的排除保持沉默;对秘密侦查行为及其取得非法证据的证据法律资格没有明确规定;刑事司法关于非法证据排除规则步调不一致,导致了非法证据排除规则在办案中难以获得连贯性;刑事诉讼法对刑事非法证据排除规则的规定不明确;对刑事非法证据的衍生证据的采证问题,没有做出明确规定;刑事非法证据口供排除规则没有与其他证据规则配套,没有形成具有内在逻辑联系的、层次分明的、系统的刑事证据规则体系;非法证据排除在中国的司法实践中没有成为一种制度,没有相应的实施程序。 我国刑事立法乃至司法之于非法证据排除规则的缺失和不足,反映了我国证据制度的滞后性,反映了程序公正的刑事理念在一定程度上尚未深入人心,反映了人们尤其是立法和司法官员在实现真实、控制犯罪与权利保障、程序正义价值寻求中的两难选择。 我国司法界和学术界关于非法证据取舍争论的真正焦点集中于具有真实性的非法证据,能否因采集证据方法的非法性而排除这种证据,争论激烈,分歧较大,没有形成统一认识。对于刑事非法证据的采证问题,我国有“真实肯定说”、“全盘否定说”、“折衷说”等三种不同观点。笔者认为,在我国建立非法证据排除规则不仅要进行实体与程序正义的价值权衡,而且要充分考虑到当前的犯罪形势、法治环境、司法资源及传统法律文化等方面的综合因素。既要保证控制犯罪,又要保证保障人权,掌握好实体真实与程序真实之间的“度”。任何绝对化的标准都是不符合刑事诉讼规律的,也是不足取的。 笔者主张,在刑事非法证据的采证问题__卜,必须坚打利益权衡 原则,使得大于失,侵犯人的尊严和人格自山所得的证据丈硬护禁)lJ, 但也不宜绝对化,应该设立若+例外书彗形,确保整个社会秩序的稳定, 实现刑事诉讼的日的。第一,除对使川非法手段收集的言词证据不子 采用外,对山该言词证据引出的实物证据应根据具体情况决定取舍。 如果用一般侦查手段即一可获取的实物证据,或不采用该实物证据将会 对国家利益和社会利益造成不可弥补的损害时,则可以作为定案的根 据。第二,对非法取得的实物证据,采取相对排除的原则,应设立若 干例外情形:(l)国家安全或重大社会公共利益的例外;(2)不可避 免发现或善意的例外;(3)重大犯罪的例外;(的保护犯罪嫌疑人利益的例外。第三,对秘密侦查取证的排除,应根据不同的犯下性质区别适川排除凉则,即对)Jl5些手段隐蔽,案件事实难以查明,洲一具备一定条件的案件,通过秘密侦查手段取得的证据可以采用,否则予以排除。 当今「}一,国,确立和实行非法证据排除规则势在必行。笔者认为,要建立起符合我国国情的合理的非法证据排除制度。就要迭一步完善立法,建立监管制约机制,完善律师在场权,规定沉默权,明确举证责任,设置非法证据排除的诉讼程序,更新执法观念,提治、侦查人员的素质,改进侦查方式,更新侦查设施,全而提高检察官、法官、律师的职业道德,提高司法人员在刑事诉讼各个环节自觉排除非法证据的意识,树立保障人权和控制犯罪的新的执法理念,从而女_L卜实现实体真实与程序公正的统一,打击犯罪与保障人权的统一,狡一现刑事诉讼的「!标价值。

【Abstract】 With the thorough development of our country’s reform and open policy, the idea of traditional law enforcement is facing an unprecedented impact. The judicial principle to guarantee human rights is widely concerned and accepted. Because of the changes of this judicial principle, it makes the reviewing of the proof legality the focus in the activity of crime litigation. In the crime lawmaking and judicatory practice in China, there has long existed a tendency of emphasizing the entity, ignoring the procedure, attaching importance to attack and paying no attention to protection. In the long run, in order to embody judicial impartiality and efficiency, we must set up new judicial principles to guarantee human rights and control crime committing, establishing and perfecting the illegal proof exclusion rule.The illegal gathering and collecting evidence in crime litigation directly violates the legal rights of object concerned. These rights ruled by the constitution include the rights of life, liberty, property and privacy. In the modern age in the world, how to guarantee human rights is more and more valued by people of every country, by government of every nation and by international organizations as well. As for the illegal proof exclusion, the international society has long before accepted and recognized in the crime procedure in many countries, all confirmed the illegal proof exclusion rule. That is, those proof, obtained illegally outside legal power and procedure of law provision by law authoritative officials will be excluded in court. The rule is the inevitable result that mankind has gradually further recognized the damage of crime litigationregulation and illegal proof obtaining. And it is also the certain demand of human civilization, democracy and progress.There have been official documents in Chinese lawmaking and relevant judicatory explanations prohibiting extorting confessions by torture and tricky .It shows that the proper principles in procedure has obtained common ground in the judicial circle in China. It also shows that modern judicatory has abandoned the legality of the traditional proof system of extorting confessions by torture. And it further shows the negative evaluation of the illegal proof and enthusiasm exclusion.However, the permeation of proper principles in procedure pertaining to crime lawmaking and the first convex appearance of the illegal proof exclusion rule in crime judicatory only shows the tiny progressive tendency in Chinese proof system. It can not cover up its deficiency and shortage: the illegal proof exclusion rule is adapted too narrowly in the extension of illegal proof; the pertaining to crime judicatory remains silent to the exclusion between illegal real object proof and its" the fruit of the poison tree" ; There is no clear and definite provision to the secret investigation and its proof law qualification of the illegal proof acquisition; the inconformity of the illegal proof exclusion rule in crime judicatory leads to the hard acquiring coherence in the practical handling of the illegal proof exclusion rule; there is also no clear and definite provision in crime litigation law about the problem of illegal proof exclusion and its subsequent proof acquisition; the crime illegal proof confession exclusion rule dose not form a complete set with other proof rules. It dose not form a crime proof system which has intrinsic logic connection, which has a clear level of structures and which is systematic; the illegal proof exclusion has not become a system in Chinese judicatorypractice and it dose not have appropriate practice procedure.The deficiency and shortage of the crime lawmaking and the illegal proof exclusion rule in our country reflect the behind? lagging of our proof system. They reflect the crime principles of procedure impartiality in certain degree have not ascended thoroughly to the public. They also reflect the dilemma of people, particularly crime lawmaking and judicial officials in their seek for truth realization, crime committing control with righ

【关键词】 刑事诉讼非法证据规则构建
【Key words】 crime procedureillegal proofruleestablish
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D925.23
  • 【下载频次】377