

The Research of Bank Card Innovation

【作者】 宋晓玲

【导师】 李燕燕;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 银行卡是一种以金融电子化网络为基础,以商用电子机具和各类交易卡为媒介,以电子数据存储在银行计算机系统中,并通过计算机网络以电子信息传递形式,实现流通和支付功能的电子货币。它提供超越时间和空间的服务,是传统金融手段无法替代的。故此,许多商业银行都选择银行卡作为金融产品创新突破点。入世后,具有巨大发展潜力的银行卡市场将成为外资银行竞相追逐的目标,如何加快银行卡产品创新步伐,在激烈的市场竞争中占据主导地位,是国有商业银行必须认真研究的重要课题。本文密切结合河南省实际情况,在占据大量现实资料的基础上,采取理论阐述与图表、数据对比相结合的分析方法,通过对商业银行银行卡产品创新发展状况、银行卡产品创新存在问题、银行卡产品创新面临市场环境和发展趋势进行系统分析,寻找商业银行银行卡产品创新发展策略。本文从银行卡产品发展历程和产品创新内涵切入,首先系统归纳了银行卡的分类和几个发展阶段,提出银行卡产品的五个层次概念和主要创新类型,为全篇提供研究的条件和基础。之后,对河南省各商业银行银行卡产品创新理念、创新战略和创新成果进行对比,对各商业银行银行卡产品整体特点和成效进行分析,并指出河南省商业银行在银行卡产品创新中存在问题。第三,通过宏观、微观两个层面的剖析,河南省商业银行银行卡产品创新面临的市场环境将更加完善。采取SWOT分析方法对入世后中外商业银行在银行卡产品创新竞争形势进行分析,中外商业银行在银行卡产品创新各有优劣势。银行卡产品创新发展趋势进行预测。即银行卡产品创新呈现产业化、联合化、品牌化发展方向,银行卡产品创新与国际市场接轨加速的特点和信息时代银行卡产品创新呈现出新特点。在文章的最后一部分,提出银行卡产品创新发展策略建议。 本文的结构安排如下:第一部分为导论,第二部分是银行卡产品发展历程和产品创新内涵,第三部分是河南省商业银行银行卡产品创新的发展状况分析,第四部分是河南省商业银行银行卡产品创新面临市场环境和发展趋势分析,第五部分是银行卡产品创新发展策略建议。第六部分是结论。

【Abstract】 Bank card is one kind of electronic currency which is based on financial electronic network, using commercial electric machines and all kinds of dealing cards, with electronic data stored in the bank computer system. It realizes circulating and paying function with the electronic information transferring form via computer network. It provides service transcending time and space, which can not be substituted by other financial means. Therefore, Lots of commercial banks choose bank card as breakthrough measure in financial product innovation. After China’ s entry into WTO, the Bank card market will be the aim of foreign capital banks chase for the huge potential. How to quicken the march of bank card innovation and take up the leading status in fury market competition is the important problem commercial bank must research. In this thesis, with abundant information and combining the fact of Henan province nearly, through analyzing the actuality of bank card innovation, the problem existed, the market circumstance confronted and the developing trend, we search the measure in bank card innovation. We start with the developing course and meaning of bank card innovation, conclude the sorts and several seedtimes, advance the five-tier product concept and primary types of bank card innovation, which establish the foundation. Where after, we make contrast and analysis in the thought, tactic, fruit of bank card innovation the commercial banks in Henan province take, make analysis in the whole trait, and point out the problem existed. Thirdly, we indicate the market circumstance the bank card innovation confronted will be better through analysis from the macroscopic and microcosmic lay respectively, and forecast the developing trend. Finally, we lodge relevant suggestions. The structure of this thesis is arranged as followed: first part is preface, second part is the origin , development of band card and connotation of the product innovation of bank card, third part is the analysis of developing status of the product innovation of bank card, fourth part is the analysis of the market circumstance and developing trend, fifth part is suggestions in the product innovation of bank card, last part is conclusions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】546