

【作者】 李琳

【导师】 辛世俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会主义的基本价值,就是实现无产阶级和广大劳动人民的根本利益。因此探索“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”这一历史课题,最根本的就是如何代表和实现最广大人民的利益问题。“三个代表”重要思想,是执政的共产党与社会主义中国对社会主义国家和人民的价值承诺。本文着重从四个方面论述了“三个代表”的社会主义价值。 第一部分:长期以来我们对社会主义价值的认识却存在着偏差,本文从价值结构错位、价值途径空置、价值目标超前、价值主体缺位四个方面分列了这种认识上的偏差,由此得出,社会主义的价值就是物质、社会关系、精神文化和人本身满足以无产阶级为代表的广大劳动人民需要的利益关系。社会主义是合目的性与合规律性的辩证统一,社会主义价值是科学社会主义的应有之义。 第二部分:“三个代表”重要思想,面向世界,放眼未来,总揽全局,回答了新世纪的中国共产党要“建设成一个什么样的党,怎样建设党”的同时,阐述了“什么是中国特色社会主义以及如何建设中国特色社会主义”这个有关社会主义建设的根本问题。其本质是立党为公、执政为民,从根本上来说,就是为了实现社会主义的基本价值。本文从“三个代表”中的每一个代表与社会主义基本价值的内在关联的角度,阐述了“三个代表”的科学内涵本身就体现了社会主义的基本价值。 第三部分:从国际共产主义运动发展的历程,尤其从社会主义国家苏联的兴衰上论述“三个代表”重要思想的社会主义价值 第四部分:“三个代表”重要思想以“代表最广大人民的根本利益”为其价值取向。它从无产阶级执政党能否担负起历史使命、能否巩固其执政地位的高度,提出了如何才能代表人民群众的根本利益的问题。得出了“三个代表”重要思想是中国共产党人价值观的集中体现,“三个代表”重要思想的贯彻落实的过程,就是中国共产党的价值观的体现过程,也就是社会主义价值的实现过程;反过来,实现社会主义的价值是中国共产党人的历史使命,也是“三个代表”重要思想的基本落脚点。

【Abstract】 The socialist elementary value. is to carry out the proletarian and demotic fundamental behalf. This historical question of discussion that explores "what socialism is and how to build socialism" is how to essentially delegate and realize the masses’ behalf. Chinese Communist in power regards "Three Represent’s" as the consent of value to the socialist people. This thesis is partitioned into the four sections.The first section: The socialist value is that the people benefit from socialism. However, there existed some distorts for a long period. There are value configuration mixed; value approach in the hollow place; value goal exceeded; value body defaulted. So, the socialist value is a kind of behalf relationship, which is substance, spirit, culture, social relation and human meets with proletariate and the great masses’ need. The socialism is dialectic, it gathers aim quality and rule quality into one. The socialist value implies the scientific socialist own signification.The second section: Facing the future and the world, "Three Represent’s" answers the basic question in Party building "what king of Party to be build and through what ways", what’s more, dissertates the ultimate question in socialist constructing "what socialism with Chinese features is and how to build it". Its essence is that the party is built for the public and that is exercises state power for the people. Namely, to realize the socialist value. The article tells the internal relation between "Each Represent" and "Three Represent’s", its scientific signification embodies the socialist value.The third section: From the developing course of International Communism, this thesis discourses upon the socialist .value of "Three Represent’s".The last section: "Three Represent’s" treats "to delegate the most people’s behalf as its own valuable direction indicator. From the historical mission which proletarian party takes on and the status that CCP in the saddle consolidates, it puts forward how to delegate the masses’ basic behalf. Then the article makes a conclusion, "Three Represent’s" is centralized embodiment of CCP value outlook. We carry out the course of "Three Represent’s", at the same time, it means to embody that the value outlook of CCP comes true, that is, to realize the socialist value. Vice versa, to realize the socialist value is the historical mission of CCP, furthermore, it is "Three Represent’s" end-result.

【关键词】 三个代表社会主义价值
【Key words】 "Three Represent’s"socialismvalue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D261
  • 【下载频次】199