

【作者】 杨会勉

【导师】 贺永方;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 农业是我国国民经济的基础,农业问题的核心是土地问题,农村人地之间的矛盾一直制约着农村经济和社会的发展。农村土地制度是影响农业增效、农民增收、农村稳定的关键因素。经过20多年的改革,我国已确立了以家庭联产承包责任制为主的新型农村土地制度,给农业生产注入了活力。具有中国特色的家庭联产承包责任制,尽管在一定时期内对中国农业生产力乃至整个国民经济的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献,但随着生产力的进一步发展,其弊端日渐显露,原因主要是:土地产权界定不清、土地分配方式不合理、土地流转机制不完善、农民退出机制不健全、农村组织化程度低等。而要建立科学合理、稳定长久的农村土地制度,建立真正意义上的农村土地市场,充分调动农民的生产积极性,就必须进行新的土地制度变革。 本文首先回顾了改革开放以来我国农村土地制度的演变历程,指出了农村土地制度在不断变革过程中所具有的特点。其次,在认真学习研究《农村土地承包法》的基础上,分析了当前我国农村土地制度的实施现状,对农村土地制度实施中存在的问题及其原因进行了深入细致的探讨。然后进入了本文最重要的章节,介绍并评价了我国农村土地制度变革过程中的模式选择,研究了我国农村土地制度变革应遵循的原则,提出了一系列应对我国农村土地制度变革的举措,其中的重点是要规范农村土地产权制度,建立市场化的土地流转机制,完善农民的退出机制,引入现代企业制度,建立健全以集体所有为前提的股份合作制等。通过种种方式和途径,以期为我国农村土地制度变革的理论和实践研究工作提供些许参考。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the foundation of our national economy. The core of agricultural problems is land. The contradiction between peasants and lands has being restricted the development of countryside economy and society. Our land system in countryside is the key of affecting efficiency, income, and stability in countryside. During the twenty years of reform, our new land system based on the Family Joint Contract Responsibility System has been established, and it enhances agricultural production. Although the Family Joint Contract Responsibility System is vital for the development of agricultural productive forces, and the whole national economy in a certain period, the abuses of it is becoming more and more serious with the further development of productive forces. The causes include such aspects, The land property right hasn’t been clearly distinguished, The assignment ways of land is not reasonable, The mobile mechanism of land is not perfect, The withdrawal mechanism of peasants is not sound and so on. However, if we want to build the scientific and rational, stable and permanent land system of countryside, to set up a real land market of countryside and to mobilize production positive factor in peasants, we will have to carry out new transform of our land system in countryside.At first, the thesis looks back the transform course of our land system in countryside since reform and open. It gives the characteristics that the land system has. Secondly, the thesis analyses the executive present situation of our land system in countryside. After that, the most important chapters and sections are coming. It introduces and evaluates the model in the process of last transform. It studies the principles that our land system transform should adhere to and researches a series of measures that is suitable to our land system in countryside. Among it, people should standardize land property right system, build perfect land mobile mechanism, standardize the withdrawal mechanism of peasants, found and amplify share joint system based on collective owning system by leading to modern enterprise system. Through such ways, I hope that the thesis can do some good to the land system transform in countryside.

【关键词】 农村土地制度变革
【Key words】 CountrysideLand SystemTransform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】461