

【作者】 邹兴政

【导师】 刘向文;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,知情权这个词越来越多地走进人们的生活。特别是抗击“非典”斗争以来,我国保障公民知情权的呼声日益高涨。作为一项当今国际社会普遍认同的基本人权和民主权利,知情权是民主法制发展的产物。知情权的充分实现需要政府信息公开的配合,许多发达国家都制定了信息公开的法律制度。改革开放以来,我国公民知情权保障取得很大成绩,但由于思想观念的落后和缺乏制度保障,公共权力机关漠视、践踏公民知情权的事例仍然层出不穷。因此,探讨我国公民知情权的现状与不足,有助于我们进一步完善信息公开制度,更好得保障公民权利。 文章从知情权理论着手,分三部分进行论述。第一部分,论知情权。主要探讨知情权的概念、主体、内容和权利属性等,以期从理论角度对知情权进行全面审视。第二部分,介绍我国公民知情权保障现状。我国公民知情权保障取得了一些成绩,但还面临着不少问题,这也正是我们加强知情权研究的意义所在。第三部分,建设我国信息公开制度。作者在借鉴西方国家先进立法例的基础上,就我国信息公开法建构提出了自己的建议。 本文的主要创新处在于:就知情权概念提出了自己的见解;在知情权权利属性上批驳了将知情权看作引申权的观点,认为知情权属于宪法权利;主张将“保障公民知情权”明确载入宪法;作者还就我国“信息公开法”构建提出了自己的设想。

【Abstract】 In the recent years, the word "right to know" has been known by more and more people. Especially since the period of fighting "SARS", the voice for protection of right to know has been louder than before. Right to know is a kind of basic human right and democratic right acknowledged commonly by the international society, which is the developing result of rule of law. The realization of the right to know is need for building republication systems of the basic rights and making a law of publication of government affairs. Since reforming and open, our country has made some accomplishments in the protection about the right to know, but due to backwardness of idea and shortage of regulation protection, our country’s protections about right to know still face some difficulties. There are still some cases to ignore and tramp the right to know existing in practice, the exploration for the current situations and demerits can help us perfect the system of information publication, so as to protect the human rights .The article beginning from right to know is devided three parts .The first part mainly discuss definition, subject, contents and right qualities. The second part introduces the current situations of protection for right to know. The third part, the western developed country have many experience the author also raises its own idea about building our country’s system of information publicity.The creatives of this article are : The author thinks that right to know is a kind of right’ intensive that citizen communities or other organizations obtain all kinds of information or other organizations practicing official authority. In addition, about qualities of right to know, the author thinks right to know should be a kind of citizens ’basic constitutional right . The author also raises its own idea about building our country’s system of information publicity and other relative regulation constructions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D921;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】725