

【作者】 彭诗升

【导师】 石柏林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 人大监督是人民代表大会制度的基本内容,其实质是对权力的制约。人大监督职能在中国的宪政进程中有着不可忽视的重要性,它不仅体现着国体与政体的内在精神,而且对民主与法制建设具有极其重要的保证和促进作用。 人大监督制度在中国的正式确立是在20世纪50年代,但人大监督的思想却源远流长。它得益于西方分权理论与代议制度的启示,是对马克思主义监督学说的继承和发展,更足毛泽东邓小平江泽民等中国共产党人在社会主义革命与建设的实践中逐步探索的经验总结。 人大监督制度在中国得以形成和发展,这决不是历史的偶然。人大监督制度植根于深厚的人权理论、民主理论、制权理论和法治理论,四者共同构建了人大监督的理论基础。但它们并不是一种平等关系,而是一种层次关系。其中人权是基础之基础,它托起民主与制权两座大梁;民主与制权是人大监督的两个价值取向,它们从不同的角度为人大监督提供原理支持;而法治则是人大监督的运作范式,它为人大监督搭起制度的框架。 近些年来,人大监督职能日益加强,但距离宪法的规定、人民的期望、时代的要求还有相当大的差距,主要体现在:不敢监督;不愿监督;不善监督。人大监督不力的原因是多方面的:1.传统政治文化的积淀是人大监督不力的思想根源;2.现行政治体制的缺陷是人大监督不力的体制根源;3.目前法律制度的滞后是人大监督不力的法制根源;4.监督成本过高是人大监督不力的经济根源。 强化人大监督,必须遵循一定的原则:1.宏观监督为主,辅之以中观、微观监督的原则;2.法律监督为主,辅之工作监督、人事监督的原则;3.事后监督为主,辅之以事前监督、事中监督的原则。在强化人大监督的具体实现途径方面,我们认为应尽快完善和努力实施现有的监督制度,同时推动制度创新,重点探索和建立如下监督制度:第一,建立“一会两院”制度;第二,建立人大监督专员制度;第三,制定监督法;第四,实行专职代表制度。

【Abstract】 Supervision is the basic content of the National People’s Congress (N.P.C.) and its essence is to restrict power. The function of N.P.C. supervision can’t be ignored among the process of constitutionalism of China. It not only reflects the inherent spirits of the state system and the system of government, but also guarantees and facilitates the construction of democracy and legal system.While N.P.C. supervisory system was not formally established until the middle of 20th century, its thoughts have a long history. It benefits from western fraction theory and the representative system. It also inherits and develops the supervisory theory of Marxism directly. Most important of all, it’s the experience summarized by members of the Chinese Communist Party, such as Mao Zetong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, etc, in the process of socialism revolution and construction.It is not the chance of history that N.P.C. supervisory system can form and develop in China. N.P.C. supervisory system is planted in the deep theories of human rights, democracy, restricting power and ruling of law. They are the theoretic basis of N.P.C. supervision, but the four ones are not at the equal position, but at a rank order. Among them human rights is a foundation on the foundation. It holds up the theories of democracy and restricting power; democracy and restricting power, which are the two-value orientation of N.P.C. supervision, offer principle support for N.P.C. supervision from different aspects; ruling of law is the operating pattern and systematic frame of N.P.C. supervision.In the last few years, the supervisory function of N.P.C. has beenstrengthened day by day. But it still has a long way to the formulation of constitution, to the expectation of people, to the request of epoch; Embodied in mainly: dare not to supervise; unwilling to supervise; not good at supervising. There are many reasons for this, shown as mainly: l.the accumulating of traditional political culture; 2. the defect of current political system; 3.the lagging of the legal system; 4.the high cost to supervise.In order to strengthen supervision of N.P.C., we should pay more attention to macroscopic supervision, legal supervision and afterwards supervision. In operation, the author suggests that we should try our best to improve and implement the current supervisory system as soon as possible. In the present stage, we should promote the innovation of institution and explore and set up the following supervisory system: firstly, setting up legislation court and supervisory court in N.P.C.; secondly, setting up the system of ombudsman; thirdly, making the law of supervision; the last one, implementing the full-time system of representatives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D622
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】653