

【作者】 刘建金

【导师】 黄炎平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 生态伦理学是二十世纪初新兴的一门崭新学科,它在不到一个世纪的时间里取得了飞速的发展。生态伦理学的产生与发展既有其坚实的现实基础——日益严重的生态危机、工业文明的消极影响以及各种力量挽救生态危机的不懈努力:也有其丰厚的理论基础——现代西方哲学的后现代转向、现代西方伦理学的当代转向以及生态学、系统科学等自然科学的积极推动等等。 与传统伦理相比较,生态伦理学具有明显的创新性,主要表现在五个方面:(1) 将道德权利的主体扩展到了动物、生物及生态系统等非人类存在物,破除了传统伦理对人类的固恋,确立了生态中心主义的伦理观念,为可持续发展战略提供了理论基础;(2) 从人类对自然的依赖这一角度来理解自然的外在价值,从目的论和整体论的角度论证了自然的内在价值,并因此增加了人类对自然的道德义务;(3) 以有机、整体、全面的思维方式取代了传统伦理机械、片面的二元思维方式,克服了事实与价值的分离及真善美的分隔,从而使人与自然由相互对立走向和谐统一;(4) 超越了局限于人类自身利益的价值评价尺度,以非人类存在物的利益作为道德评价的标准,将公平、公正扩展到了当代人与后代人、人与自然的全新领域;(5) 将人类道德修养的境界从追求人际平等的境界提升到了动物平等境界、生物平等境界及生态整体境界,使人们超越日常生活的道德修养境界而达到某个更高的、更有意义的状态成为可能。 作为一门新生的学科,生态伦理学不可避免地存在一些缺陷:派别林立,没有统一有机的理论体系;充满理想,缺少切实可行的操作体系。但各流派的理论主张和研究方法并非截然对立,而是存有深层的共性和锲合的可能,生态伦理学必将由分化逐步走向整合;生态伦理规则的研究、与法律的结合及其道德建设必将促使生态伦理由理论逐步走向实践。

【Abstract】 Eco-ethics is a newly established science in the early 20th century and it has been developing rapidly since then. The formulation and development of eco-ethics not only based on solid realistic foundation, which includes the more and more serious eco-crisis, the negative influence of industrial civilization and the persistent efforts of resolving the eco-crisis by various kinds of strength, but on rich theoretical foundation as well. The theoretical foundation includes the post-modern turning of modern western philosophy, the contemporary turning of modern ethics and the positive push of natural science such as ecology and systematic science, etc.Compared with traditional ethics, eco-ethics is obviously innovative, especially in the following five aspects: (1) it extends the moral subjects to non-human beings such as animals, living creatures and the ecosystem, etc. This idea breaks human beings’ fixation to himself and offers theoretical recourses for sustainable development strategy; (2) It understands nature’s external nature value from a new angle and proves the existence of nature’s intrinsic value in terms of teleology and holism and this adds duties to human beings; (3) It replaces the machinery, one-sided traditional ethical thinking way by organic and holistic thinking way and overcomes the separation between fact and value, truth and good and beauty. This makes the relationship between man and nature movies from being opposed toeach other to being harmonious; (4) It Surmounts the traditional valuation standard, which confines to mankind’s interests only, and regards the interest of non-human beings as the standard of moral valuation. This expands justice to the field of later generation and nature; (5) It promotes people’s moral cultivation state from human beings’ equal realm to animals’ equal realm, to the equal realm of living beings, and to the equal realm of the whole ecological system, and makes it possible that people surmount the moral state of daily life and reaches a more meaningful living state.As a new discipline of science, however, eco-ethics unavoidably has some defects: having a great number of theoretical schools but lacking unified organic system; being full of ideals but lacking a feasible operation system. It is certain, however, that different ideas and ways of studying eco-ethics will move from differentiation to integration, that eco-ethics will be accepted by more and more people as long as the rules of eco-ethics is more concrete, the relationship between eco-ethics and law is closer and the education of eco-ethics is more popular.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】B82-05
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】492