

【作者】 宋湘绮

【导师】 吕锡琛;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国传统伦理思想中有关官德的论述异常丰富。作为晚清一代名臣的曾国藩广泛吸取儒、道、墨诸家思想精华,在官德理论方面的建树和实践笃行尤为令人瞩目。本文从四个方面对曾国藩的官德思想进行概括和论述:第一,“公心胜私欲”的为官之道德原则;第二,“清廉”“勤勉”“谦谨”“血诚”“恕忍”的为官之道德规范;第三,“明察物伦”“虚静居敬”“反躬内求”“博采众长”的为官之道德修养方法;第四,“明理君子”的理想人格。 曾国藩重视为官者的社会责任和道德义务,一生以“奉公”、“血诚”、“恕忍”、“清廉”、“勤勉”来指导并规范自己的行政实践,修身正己,力求成为“明理君子”。他突破了“心性修养”的樊篱,通过“理想人格”的引导、激励,在政治实践中不断提高思想境界,在传统文化向近代文化嬗变的过程中承前启后,其修身、育人、克己的思想及实践,被后学奉为“立德、立言、立功”三不朽的为官楷模。 曾氏官德思想及其实践对当代领导干部自身道德修养和廉政建设具有深远的启发意义。当然,其中也不可避免地存在封建糟粕,我们必须以马克思主义的观点对他的官德思想进行分析和扬弃,进而发掘其合理成分,以图促进当代官德建设。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese culture, abundant in brilliant accounts on morals for officials, plays a very important role in moral building for officials. Zheng Guofan, a famous minister in late Qing Dynasty, absorbed the essence in the thoughts of Confucianism, Taoist and Mohist widely, therefore, it is renowned for his thoughts and practice in moral building for officials. This paper has generalized Zheng’s moral system for officials from four aspects: first, official moral principles of "Public duties are greater than personal needs"; second, official moral norms of "sheer loyalty", "fury restraint", "honesty’, "diligence" and "prudence"; third, the means about official moral cultivation of "seeing through the matters clearly", "detaching from worldly things", "self-examination", "doing everything by himself"; forth, ideal personality of saint.Throughout his life, Zheng Guofan regulated and guided his conducts by the principle of "sheer loyalty", "fury restraint", "honesty", "diligence" and "prudence", through the means about cultivation of "the combination of learning and pondering" and "doing everything by himself, so as to become as a saint. His ideas served as a wonderful link for the transition of traditional culture to contemporary one. His typical thoughts and practice on self-cultivation of moral character, cultivation of others, and self-restraint, he himself was regarded by his followers as a perfect example of official with noble morals, witty remarks and great achievements. For leaders and officials, Zheng Guofan attach importance to social responsibility and moral obligation, and emphasis is laid on the self-cultivation and self-regulation and its inner momentum, breakthrough the barrier of "personality cultivation", "ideal personality" is introduced to guide, stimulate, improve the moral level. So it is of profound enlightenment to modem officials for their moral self-possessing and building of a clean and honest government. However, there are inevitably some demerits of feudalism in Zheng’s thoughts. We must therefore analyze his ideas with Maxism, develop what is positive and discard what is negative, so to dig out it rational components, try to promote the moral building for officials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D691
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】853