

【作者】 付冬平

【导师】 黄树华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 粉煤灰的利用是目前迫切需要解决的问题,而粉煤灰的低活性是造成粉煤灰的利用受到限制的主要原因,本论文研究了粉煤灰的活化并把粉煤灰应用于注浆工程中。在对粉煤灰的活化研究过程中,分析比较了均匀设计法和正交设计法两种试验设计方法的特点: (1) 均匀设计法安排的试验点有很强的代表性,能够大幅度减少试验次数,缩短试验周期,从而大量节约人力和物力; (2) 正交设计具有综合可比性,可以进行方差分析,分析所得的最优点是比所作的各个单个试验效果更好,离实际最优点更近。 分析比较后确定,在试验设计过程中在不同的阶段将两种设计法结合使用,并取得了以下成绩: (1) 在粉煤灰与活化剂的外掺试验中采用均匀试验设计法,得出了—种能有效活化粉煤灰的复合活化剂及活化剂的配比,并编制了相关的计算机程序,回归出了抗压强度和抗折强度的经验公式; (2) 在活性粉煤灰与水泥的配比试验中采用正交试验设计法,得出了活性粉煤灰用作注浆材料的最佳掺量和水灰比; (3) 工程实例证明,活性粉煤灰仅有良好的可注性和较高的强度,而且可以大大节约工程造价,是—种较为理想的注浆材料。 以上成果可证明,本试验所提出的试验设计思路、试验分析方法和数据处理方法是正确和成功的,所得出的复合活化剂能有效的激发粉煤灰的活性。这一成果也可应用于其它领域中,如建筑材料等。

【Abstract】 Now the usage of fly ash is urgent problem.Low activation of fly ash is the main reason that the usage of fly ash is limited. The thesis research the activation of fly ash and use it as grout. During the research of activation of fly ash, this thesis analyses and compares the characteristics of two experimental method of uniform design and orthogonal design:(1) Uniform design can largely reduce frequency of experiments, shorten the cycle of the experiment, so it largely economize labor and money;(2) Orthogonal design is integrative and comparative, and can analyses the difference.The best point that we get through analysis is better than other point of the single experiment, and is closer to the factual best point.After analysis and compare, this thesis confirm that two kinds of design method is combined at the different stage during the experiment process, and obtain the following result:(1) During the experiment of fly ash and activating admixtures, this thesis adopt the uniform design, obtain the accelerating activating admixtures and its adding amount , compile computer program concerned, and get the equation of compression strength and bending strength;(2)During the experiment of activated fly ash and cement, this thesis adopt the orthogonal design, and obtain the best appropriate adding amount and water-cement ratio of activated fly ash grout;(3 ) The field practice has proved that activating admixtures not only is grouting and high strength, but also largely economize money, and is an ideal grout.These achievements prove that the methods of experiment design and analysis and data transacting is reliable and successful.The accelerating activating admixtures can activate fly ash effectively. The achievement can apply other fields, such as the building material.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU521
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】405