

【作者】 孙勇平

【导师】 钱士明;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据西医方法确诊冠心病,对具有心绞痛的患者进行中医辩证,并在西药治疗基础上,加用中药心安宁,同时与单用西药者进行疗效比较。 目的:以西医药治疗为本,在加上中药的配合,来探讨中西药并用,以中西结合治疗,对冠心病的治疗。通过临床的研究,明确心安宁合剂对已经有受西药治疗的病人有更好的治疗。 方法:以轻和中度的冠心病患者为对象,随机分为治疗组(西药常规治疗加心安宁)和对照组(西药常规治疗)。观察两组治疗的前后症状,体征和试验室检查变化。 结果:临床结果显示,治疗组临床疗效优于对照组。其心绞痛发生率有低于对照组。治疗组在改善其冠心病的其他指标,如胆固醇和半胱氨酸(homocysteine),都有显著的效果。 结论:心安宁合剂能改善已接受常规西药治疗的冠心病患者的心绞痛发生率和能改善其他影响冠心病的因素。所以,心安宁中药合剂在正在接受西药治疗的冠心病病人,有显著的效果。

【Abstract】 In coronary artery disease (CAD), the definition has been clear that this is anarrowing of the coronary arteries, giving rise to symptom like chest pain andbreathlessness.On the modern definition of CAD, we attempt to classify people with anginapectoris into TCM clinical syndromes and treat the syndrome with the Chineseherbal formulation, Xin An Ning, in addition to their regular CAD treatmentAim: The aim of this paper is to look into the effect of combination of Chinese medicine with western medicine , in patient already on conventional western treatment for CAD, and see if this addition of herbal preparation will improve the outcome of the patient, both in symptoms and long term outcome.Methodology: 40 patient with CAD were randomized to 2 group of 20, one group will continue to receive conventional therapy for CAD. The other group of 20 will receive the Chinese herbal preparation , Xin An Ning.Results: The patients that receive Xin AN Ning in addition to their regular western medicine show a improvement in the frequency of chest pain and also a greater reduction in cholesterol and homocysteine level, which are some of the factors that predict the outcome of coronary artery disease.Conclusion: The outcome of this study indicate that the Chinese herbal preparation, xin an ning is important in the treatment of CAD. It can be augment the action of the conventional treatment on CAD and it improve the outcome of the disease.

  • 【分类号】R259.4
  • 【下载频次】67