

The Research on Land Deterioration and It’s Strategy in Damao County,Baotou

【作者】 霍擎

【导师】 苏根成;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 人文地理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在参考国内外区域土地退化治理研究成果的基础上,以土地可持续利用为背景,以包头市达茂旗为研究对象,采用定性和定量相结合的层次分析方法,借助电子计算机和社会统计软件,对包头市达茂旗土地退化问题进行了综合评价和分析,并针对土地可持续利用中存在的主要制约因素,进行了深入分析,提出了本区域土地可持续利用的对策与措施,以获得经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的三统一,为本区各级决策部门提供理论和方法上的参考。 首先,对国内外土地退化研究的现状进行了综述。 其次,从自然条件、社会经济条件和土地利用现状等方面对包头市达茂旗基本情况进行了简要的概括,并阐述了达茂旗土地退化研究的意义。 第三,利用统计资料对包头市达茂旗土地退化的现状、类型、成因加以分析,得出包头市达茂旗土地退化非常严重。主要表现为:风蚀沙化、土壤侵蚀、草地退化、耕地肥力下降和土地盐渍化。其原因主要是长期的自然和人为因素综合作用的结果。 第四,采用定性和定量相结合的层次分析法对达茂旗土地退化问题分区域加以评价,通过计算结果对该旗土地退化问题的危机程度加以排序并预警。得出: 1、茂旗各区域土地退化危机情况排序为:南部低山丘陵农牧林区(权重0.5638)、中部低山丘陵牧林区(权重0.2634)、东南部丘陵牧业区(权重0.1178)、北部高平原牧业区(权重0.0550); 2、达茂旗主要土地退化问题危机程度排序为:草地退化(权重0.4254)是该旗最为严重的土地退化问题,其他依次为风蚀沙化(权重0.2688)、土壤水蚀(权重0.1356)、耕地肥力下降(权重0.0911)、土地盐渍化(权重0.0786); 3、分区域对其主要土地退化问题及其危机程度加以排序和分析。 最后,在综合评价和分析的基础上,提出本区域土地可持续利用的对策与措施。 1.树立可持续发展的观念,提高全民土地保护意识; 2.改善农牧业经济增长方式,建立生态效益型农牧业; 3.增加投入,创造条件,加强林业建设和保护工作; 4.加大政策扶持力度,形成生态建设的强大合力; 5.控制人口增长,减轻土地资源的压力; 6.加强法制宣传,加大执法力度; 7.分区域因地制宜地进行土地退化的治理。

【Abstract】 This article made synthetic evaluation and analysis for the problem of land deterioration in Damao County, Baotou. It carried out by means of computer and social statistic software, also the stratification technique of qualities analysis in cooperated with quantities has been employed. The argument in this paper grounded on the fact that land can sustainable using with the reference of international wide investigation achievement for regional soil deterioration control. In addition, the article made a further analysis for the major conditioning factors existed in land sustainable usage. Finally the strategy and measure are pointed out against this issue in order to realize the integration of social, ecological and economic benefits. It provides the reference for regional policy making both theoretically and practically.Firstly, this article summarizes the current affairs of international wide research for soil deterioration.Then, made a brief survey to the basic condition in Damao from the aspects of natural condition, social economic resource, land usage, etc. and it pointed out the significance of such an investigation.Next, by further analysis for current situation, type and cause of formation about soil deterioration in Damao, which based on the statistic information. The major displays are of wind erosion, desert spreading, soil corroding, grassland deterioration,defeterlizing and salt enrichment of cultivated land. That is resulted from the long-term interaction between nature and human activities.After that, concerning the issue of soil deterioration, the article made further remark on the region-by-region basis, during which the stratification technique of qualities analysis in cooperated with quantities. Based on the calculation, the degree of the crisis about soil deterioration is arranged up orderly, and some kind of pre-warning has been given out.Finally, it pointed out the measure and strategy for regional land sustainable usage, which grounded on the systematic analysis and remark.

  • 【分类号】X171
  • 【被引频次】3
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