

The Dividing Flood-period and Reservoir Operating Rules Research in Zhanghe Reservoirs

【作者】 方崇惠

【导师】 雒文生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 洪水分期的确定、设计洪水的计算以及水库调度方式的研究,是工程设计、施工和运行时经常遇到的问题。本文应用当今世界各个学科前沿研究课题的最新理论——分形理沦,首次用分维计算来定量划分确定洪水分期;采用合成流量等多种途径计算设计洪水;分析漳河水库特性制定了双库联合运行的分期(动态)调度方式。 全文共分为十一章,第一章为引言,说明问题的提出及研究的重要意义、国内外研究现状。第二章介绍漳河流域和漳河水库的基本情况,说明漳河水库主要是由观音寺和鸡公尖两个水库组成,水资源比较缺乏、同时又承担下游的防洪任务。第三章介绍本文所使用的基本水文资料,说明收集、整理、分析了漳河流域16个雨量站、6个水文站、2个水位站和1个蒸发站资料,系列长度近40年,足见资料基础扎实。第四章确定洪水分期是本文重点之一,首先,采用常规的统计学方法,分析洪水分期,作为比较成果;然后,创造性地应用分形理论,分析水文现象的分形特性,选择容量维和相似维的分维计算方法,从时间尺度和空间尺度两个方面,对漳河汛期入库洪水历年日最大流量系列样本,计算分形维数,对分形维数相近的取为一个洪水分期,从而突破性地利用分形技术对洪水分期的目的。第五章~第六章计算分期设计洪水,根据有关规程规范和成熟理论,探索采用新途径,分坝址设计洪水和入库设计洪水2个方面,改进以实测面雨量作为设计暴雨,采用暴雨途径为主和移置流量途径为辅,推出合成流量新途径和推算水库入库洪水等4种途径分析计算设计洪水,以暴雨途径坝址设计洪水作为水库设计洪水。第七章水库调洪演算模型建立,从研究水库复杂结构特点出发,建立函数关系,采用试算法求解,利用二分迭代加速收敛,求解方程式根,开发了调洪演算计算机模型。第八章分期(动态)汛限水位研究,通过分析沮漳河下游各个河段不同时期泄洪能力,按照漳河水库及下游堤防现状实际情况,根据调洪演算本次推荐主汛期汛限水应为121.90m,相应的前汛期为123.20m、后汛期为123:50m作为合理采用分期(动态)汛限设计水位。第九章水库调度方式研究,是根据设计洪水,进行多方案调洪演算和调度方式比较,提出了洪水判别标准及其相应洪水具体调度方式;探讨考虑短、中期洪水预报,预泄洪水的水库防洪调度方式和考虑沮河及区间洪水预报的水库错峰防洪补偿调度方式,修订水库调度规程。第十章分析计算洪水分期效益,通过汛限水位调整不仅将下游防洪标准由5年一遇提高到10年一遇,同时将收水时间提前40天,有利于水库拦尾回蓄,提高防洪效益和充分利用雨洪资源经济效益。第卜一章给出了总结和提出了展望。 总之,本文对洪水分期确定和分期设计洪水计算、水库调度方式等问题着重研究,听用方法先进,内容丰富,成果可靠,为工程设计、施工和运行和其他己建水库更好地拦蓄雨洪资源、发挥防洪和兴利效益提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The dividing flood-period, design flood and reservoir operating rules, is usually meeting in engineering design, construction and production. This thesis is applied nowadays each of world latest theories - Fractal theory, and use to calculate dimension to divide flood-period first time. The adoption synthesizes discharges various paths of etc. calculate to design the flood. Analyzed the Zhanghe reservoirs characteristic establish the double reservoirs uniting-operating rules.The full thesis is divided eleven chapters. The first chapter is preface, to elucidation bring upping of the topic, to present research condition important meaning in domestic and international. The second chapter is basic circumstance for introduction Zhanghe valley and Zhanghe reservoirs. To explain the Zhanghe reservoirs are mainly made up of both the Guangyinsi reservoir and the Jigongjian reservoir. The water resources is more lack, and undertake the downstream flood control mission at the same time. The third chapter is basic hydrology data for introduction of this thesis using .Elucidation collections, sorting, analyzed 16 precipitation stations,6 hydrology stations,2 water-level stations and 1 evaporation stations, series length about 40 years. It suffices to show the data foundation. The 4th chapter is one of most chapters this thesis. It make sure how divide flood-period. First, the statistics is usually adopted to analysis flood divide the period as comparison result. Then, the fractal theory is creatively applied to divide flood-period. To analyze the hydrology phenomenon the characteristic, to choose the capacity dimension and resemble dimension of method, to calculation dimensions for the years biggest discharge series of the day the sample in both aspects of space rule and the time rule. When dimension is close, the time period is the same flood period. It breakthrough apply fractal theory to divide flood-period. The 5~6th chapter calculate the design flood in various flood-periods. According to the norms and the mature theories, investigate to adopt the new path, design the flood in both dam site and enter reservoirs .The design point-rain is instead of thedesign area-rain. Adopt the design area-rain , the design discharge path and the new path of synthesize discharge , etc 4 kinds of paths analyse and calculate design flood. The 7th chapter establish flood regulation and routing model in the reservoirs. Sophisticate the construction characteristics to set out, establish the function relation from the research reservoirs. The 8th chapter research flood periods( development) control water level To analyze the each of the Quzhang river downstream flood-control ability makes certain that main flood- period of the control the water level is 121.90m, advance flood-period of the control the water level is 123.20m, behind flood-period of the control the water level is 123.50m.The 9th chapter research reservoir operating rules The 10th chapter analysis compute economy benefit because divided flood period. The 11th chapter give the summary, bring upped the outlook.In a word, this paper mostly research in to divide flood-period, to design the flood about various flood -period, to plan reservoir operating the rules etc. Method forerunner, contents used enrich, and the result is dependable. Engineering for design, construction, operation and other reservoirs have already set up will store more rain-flood resources, develop the flood control performance and promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful. It may provide reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TV697.1
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】507