

A Demonstrative Analysis of the Development of the Scale of City

【作者】 黄勇

【导师】 柳瑞禹;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是人类社会的城市世纪。城市是与国际接轨的前沿,要想在国际经济分工占有一定地位,就必须在全球经济网络中崛起自己的城市。城市规模对城市经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的发挥有着重大影响,是城市可持续发展的重要制约因子。因此,城市规模具有很高的研究价值。本文由以下四个部分组成: 第一章,城市发展环境分析。从城市发展环境的角度,分析中国社会经济发展的各种趋势对城市规模的影响,指出城市化与城市现代化的同步推进为中国的城市发展现时的任务,城市规模的扩大必须坚持是质的提升前提下的量的增长。 第二章,城市规模分析。首先,对城市规模的基本概念、决定城市规模的因素、城市规模的形成机制进行了理论介绍。接着对城市最优规模问题进行理论分析,指出城市规模的进一步增大是城市化的要求,是事物发展的客观规律,任何人为的控制城市规模的方法都是不符合客观规律的;并对城市规模的合理性进行分析,指出合理的城市规模应满足以下要求:城市的经济规模是合理的、内部各要素之间以及与周围环境之间相互作用的协调性好、城市空间结构是合理的、当城市规模扩大所带来的社会综合收益等于城市规模扩大所带来的社会综合成本时,城市规模是合理的、城市规模的合理性还要看城市发展是否体现了可持续性。然后,从城市规模扩张对城市发展的影响的角度,指出城市规模扩大的速度应和经济、社会、环境发展相协调,合理确定城市规模扩大的速度。 第三章,城市管理与城市规模发展。首先,介绍了城市管理的一些基本概念。接着,对城市管理中的城市规模问题进行分析。然后,从城市管理的视角,对城市规模的合理扩张速度进行研究,指出制约城市规模扩大速度的主要因素:城市所在区域的城市化水平和速度、城市地位、城市发展的现状、城市主导产业的现状与发展前景、城市财政的支出等。最后,对城市管理中存在的问题进行分析。 第四章,武汉市的城市管理研究。首先,通过对武汉市发展环境、比较优势进行分析,指出武汉城市规模的现状和存在的问题,得出武汉城市规模发展的重点在于控制人口总量,提高人口质量,改善人口结构;贯彻节约用地、合理用地和严格保护耕地的原则;加快产业结构的调整与城市空间结构的完善。接着,对加强武汉城市管理提出建议。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is a city century of the society of human beings. City is the battlefront between one nation and the other nation. If you want to have some status in the allotting of economic work, you must have some cities grow up in the network of global economy. The scale of city has some effect on economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits of the city, and it is the condition to the sustainable development of the city. So, it is very important to have some research on the scale of city. This article includes the later four parts:The first part is the analysis of the city’s development environment. From the point of view of development environment, it analyses the effect of the trend of society and economy development on the scale of city. And point out that it is the first mission for china cities that urbanization and modernization of city should be pushed synchronized. The enlargement of city should stick to the fundamental that quantity increase is under the precondition of quality upgrade. Also, it analyses the rationality of the scale of city. Last, from the point of view of effect of expand of city to the development of city, point out that the speed of city’s expand should assort with the economic, social, environmental development.The second part is the analyses of the scale of city. First, it introduces some basic concepts of the scale of city, the factors that decides the scale of city, and the form mechanism of the scale of city. Second, it researches the optimization problem in the scale of city, and point out that the enlargement of city is need of urbanization, and impersonal need of thing development. It can’t be contrived controlled.The third part is the management of city and the development of scale of city. It first introduces the some basic concepts of the management of city, and then analyses the problem of the scale of city during the management of city. From the point of view of he management of city, it researches the rational speed of the city’s enlargement, andpoint out the important factors that restrict the speed of the city’s enlargement. Last, it analyses the problems in the management of city.The fourth part is the research on city management of Wuhan. First, it analyses the developmental environment and the comparative predominance of Wuhan, and then point out the actuality of the scale of Wuhan and the existent problems, educes the emphases on development of the scale of Wuhan. Last, it table some proposals for the management of Wuhan.

【关键词】 城市规模城市化城市管理
【Key words】 the scale of cityurbanizationthe management of city
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1112