

A Study on the Institutions of Legal Supervision over Foreign Banks

【作者】 邱喜元

【导师】 卞祥平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO后,越来越多的外资银行来华拓展业务,我国银行业面临的是在业务范围和地域范围内更大的开放,内外资银行的竞争进一步加剧。因此,对外资银行的监管就成为一个特别的话题,其目的是为确保我国银行体系的稳定,使外资银行本身追求的目标与我国银行业开放所期望实现的利益目标一致,以便更好地服务于我国经济金融的改革发展。 外资银行监管法律制度涵盖了对外资银行监管的宏观政策、具体监管措施、相关的立法原则、模式及监管体制等诸多内容。论文第一部分界定了外资银行与外资银行监管的含义,进而论述了外资银行在我国的简要发展历史及发展趋势,旨在让我们对外资银行进行监管时不仅要有发展的眼光还要有明确的时代性;第二部分主要借助了经济学的研究方法和学说。论述了外资银行监管的基本理论,旨在使我们在监管和制订法律时有据可循;第三部分着重论述新形势下我国对外资银行监管政策原则的选择;第四部分通过考察世界范围的先进监管经验,启示我国的监管当局采取适宜的监管措施;第五部分简要剖析了我国目前对外资银行监管存在的主要问题,并结合《巴塞尔协议》指出改进措施,在此基础上进一步提出《外资银行监管法》的初步构想。文章重点探讨的问题是对外资银行监管原则的定位和监管措施的创新,最后的落脚点是建立与完善我国的《外资银行监管法》。

【Abstract】 After entering WTO, more and more foreign banks come to China. In order to keep our bank system in stability, we need set up an effective legal systems concerning supervision of foreign banks. And only the perfection of the systems can make the foreign banks serve for China’s economy and financial effectively.Legal systems concerning supervision of foreign banks contain a good many "contents, such as the macro principles of foreign banks, the microcosmic supervisory measures, the models of the supervisory law, the supervisory framework, and so on. The first part of the thesis makes the definition of the foreign banks and the supervision of the foreign banks. On this basis, the author simply describes the history of development of China’s foreign banks so that we have a obvious sense of time while we are supervising them; the second part elaborates the basic theory of supervision over the foreign banks. Thus, when we supervise the foreign banks and make out new laws, we can find the basis and just causes. Among the third, the thesis emphasizes the macro principles of supervision and which we should choose under the new conditions. The fourth part analyses the standards of supervision over international banking business and suggests our government to adopt some new measures about supervision. Among the fifth part, the author analyses the problems existed in China and points out the new steps of reforming though Basil Agreements, and finally raises the legislative advice on how to perfect the supervision over foreign banks of China. That is, we should make out a new law-<law of supervision over foreign banks>the sooner the better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.281
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253