

Study on Flexible Dynamic Report System Based on Heterogeneous Power Information Source

【作者】 高军

【导师】 李晓明;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着目前国内电力企业改革的不断深入,电力企业进一步向以提高经济效益为中心的集约型的经营管理机制转变。这种集约化的经营机制,必须有集管理、营业、生技和配电于一体的集成化信息系统的支持。在集成化的电力信息系统中,报表作为企业信息在不同管理层次之间流动的一种通用方式和进行生产状况查询、分析和经营决策的主要依据,是非常重要的一部分。电力系统的不断发展对报表也提出了更高的要求,希望报表无论在格式或内容上都能够灵活更改以满足需求的变更。而目前电力系统内的现状是:一方面电力企业的报表大多来自于已经开发好的应用系统,这些应用系统针对特定目的按用户当时需求使用不同的语言开发,报表内容和格式固定,重复工作量大,后期维护工作繁重,使得报表使用周期极短,最后不得不改为手工编制,工作量极大;另一方面,不同应用系统关心电力对象的不同方面,可能采用不同的数据库和操作系统以及硬件平台,甚至位于不同的地理位置,相互之间很少设计成能够进行自由的数据交换,从而在信息上成为相对独立的“自动化孤岛”,形成了多异构电力信息系统的形式,使得信息系统数据冗余量大,报表数据来源单一并缺乏一致性。 在这种背景下,本论文提出了基于三层结构的异构电力信息源的柔性动态报表的设计思想。它以面向对象的思想和柔性软件系统理论为指导将报表描述为包含原始数据层、数据处理层和格式层的三层结构模型,将报表数据与格式分离,使报表数据变量化、报表格式可塑化、数据处理模板化,从而解决了报表模板和数据固化的问题,使用户可以随时根据情况需要简捷方便的调整报表的格式和内容,并可以实现报表数据的动态赋值和自动刷新。此外它针对用户的不同要求能提供不同的报表解决方案。柔性动态报表系统的提出极大的减轻了企业投资,延长了电力企业信息管理软件的生命周期,提高了用户工作效率。在文中笔者详细给出了上述三层的概念、实现方法和程序流程。此外,本文详细讨论了当前电力企业内各个应用子系统相互集成以达到数据交换和信息共享目的的方式,提出了一种基于网关数据传送机制实现各个应用子系统互连的技术方案。这种实现方法既可以保证SCADA系统的安全又可以实现多个异构系统的集成和数据共享,为柔性动态报表系统提供集成化的数据源并保证了数据的一致性,并为系统商务决策分析和数据挖掘等高级功能的开发打下了基础。 针对电力系统信息向hitem叨Intranct发展的趋势,本论文还讨论了柔性动态报表系统的认飞b实现方法,提出了利用ActiveForm技术简捷快速地开发电力系统的研几b模式应用程序,并对叭触b程序如何与电力系统数据库相连作了详细讨论。 最后本文给出了柔性动态报表系统的应用实例,并对该系统还需完善之处和将来的研究发展方向作了简要描述。

【Abstract】 With the reform of Chinese power industry deepens, the corporations’ operation of power system veers to the intensive management mechanism ulteriorly to improve the economy benefit. But this mechanism must be supported by the integrated information system that is composed of the management, business, production and distribution. In the integrated power information system, report is of great importance. It is a general mode for the information to flow in different management levels of power system. The data derived from report is the main gist for the managers to query, analyze the conditions of production and management or make some vital decisions. Today the further development of power system brings up higher requirements for the report, which means report should changes accordingly in the format and content to meet the varying requirements of users. However, on one hand at present the reports of power system are mainly derived from some developed application system. These application systems are developed by different program language to meet user’s requirement of that time. The content and format of report in these application systems are fixed and repeated, which shorten the report’s use Hfecycle and need much maintenance work and finally the reports have to be made by hands. On the other hand, different application systems aim at particular aspects of power system. Probably they are running on different operating system, hardware or location. Those systems are rarely designed to exchange data freely with others. They become "automation islands" and the heterogeneous power information system is formed. So the redundancy of data is tremendous, the data source of report is unitary and lack of consistency.Under the background above an idea of flexible dynamic report system, which is based on three-layer structure in the heterogeneous power information system, is presented in this paper. With the guidance of object-oriented idea and the theory of flexible software, report is described as a three-layer model that consists of the origin-data layer, the data-processing layer and the format layer. The format of report is separated from its data, which makes the data variable, the format fictile and the processing of data modularized. The problem of fixed report template and data is solved. Users can adjust reports’ format and content easily at any moment. The data of report are dynamic and can be refreshed when needed. Furthermore it can supply different report solutions aimed at different users. The flexible dynamic report system reduces the software investment of power corporations, extends the Hfecycle of information management software and enhances the work efficiency. The conception, realization methods and program flow are presented particularly in the paper. Moreover the integration methods of current application systems in power corporations to realize the data exchange and information share are discussed in detail. A new method based on gateway datadispatch mechanism for the interconnection between different application systems is brought up in the end. This method not only guarantees the security of SCADA but also realized the integration and data sharing of multi-heterogeneous application systems. It provides the integrated data source for the flexible dynamic report system and guarantees the consistence of data. At the same time the foundation for developing advanced function such as business decision-making analysis and data mining is established.Towards the trend of Internet/Intranet in the power information system the web mode of flexible dynamic report system is discussed in the paper. A technique using ActiveForm to develop web applications of power system is presented and the topic on how to connect web applications to the database is also discussed in the paper.Finally an application instance of flexible dynamic report is shown. The faultiness and direction of extensive research activity are also stated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TM76
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】119