

Ye Changchi and Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem

【作者】 胡一女

【导师】 曹之;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 叶昌炽是清末著名学者、藏书家和文献学家,他学识渊博,在目录学、版本学、校勘学等学科上都有很深的造诣,在藏书史研究和金石碑版考订两方面所取得的成就尤为引人瞩目。他一生治学勤勉,著述颇丰,先后有十余部著作刊行于世。他所编撰的《藏书纪事诗》是系统研究中国藏书家事迹的开山之作,所开创的纪事诗体藏书家传的体例对后代学者影响深远。 本文对叶昌炽的《藏书纪事诗》一书进行了系统的研究与总结,全文共分四大部分: 第一部分介绍了叶昌炽的生平。纵观叶昌炽读书治学的一生,大致可分为少年成名、游学四方、史馆任职、赴任甘肃、退归故里这样五个阶段。通过叶昌炽的经历分析了他文献学思想形成与成熟的契机和过程,并对他的总体著述情况作了简单的介绍和评价。 第二部分考证了《藏书纪事诗》的编撰缘起、编撰经过、版本流传情况,重点阐释了此书的体例编排、内容特点,并简要分析了书中的不足之处。 第三部分介绍了《藏书纪事诗》的深远影响,并从叶昌炽的藏书情况、交友情形、苏州文化环境等方面探讨了叶昌炽能够写成这样一部著作的原因。 第四部分为叶昌炽的年谱简编。

【Abstract】 Ye Changchi, a famous scholar, bibliophile and philologist in the Qing dynasty, had made giant accomplishments in some disciplines as bibliography and textual criticism, and made immortal contributions to the study of bibliotheca history and the textual research of inscriptions edition. He pursued his studies assiduously in his lifetime, and then made many important literatures. For example, Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem, the book he edited, is the first book in comprehensive study of Chinese bibliophile, and the style of this writing had far-reaching influence to later scholars.This article summarizes Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem, and the content which has four sections as follow:In the first section, the life of Ye has been introduced in brief. We can divide his studying career in five sections such as being famous at young, failing in imperial examinations, accession in history library, appointment in Gansu and retiracy to home land. According to the analyses about his studying career, the formation and maturation of his philology thought has been introduced and discussed, which involve his writings on the whole.In the second section, the thing of Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem, including the origin, course and edition evolution, has been dissertated. Especially, this article has expatiated on the layout and the content trait of this writing and analyzed its shortage simply.In the third section, this article has depicted the far-reaching influence of this writing, and has tried to explain the success with some information as Ye’s library, his friends and the whole culture circumstance in the south of Jiangsu.At the last section, the ordinary timeline has been offered.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K825.4;G256
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】461