

Analysis and Evaluation of Model of the Real-Time Reference on the Internet

【作者】 杨帆

【导师】 詹德优;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 网络实时参考服务是在网络环境下数字参考咨询服务的日益普及和逐步深化的情况下,在互联网络信息传递技术特别是即时信息传递技术蓬勃兴起的大背景下开展起来的。作为图书馆数字参考咨询服务体系的一个重要组成部分,实时参考体现了更多的技术先进性和服务亲和力,不仅成为现有数字参考服务的有益补充,而且从整体上提升了数字参考服务的水平。网络本质上是一个较之以往的媒介更加有利于人与人之间相互交流的平台,实时参考正是利用了这一平台,从服务手段、服务时间、服务效果等诸方面优化了数字参考服务的创新性服务模式。目前无论国内还是国外图书馆界,从业人员均在此领域积极探索,积累了一定的经验,也出现了一定的问题。 本文立足于实际体验,运用了文献分析法、统计分析法、不断地与相关人员进行交流,最终将定性研究与定量研究相结合,在全面论述分析的基础上,进行了归纳与创新,力图为图书馆开展实时参考咨询服务提供有益的帮助。全文主体包括四个部分,内容如下: 1 网络实时参考服务概述 实时参考服务不是无缘无故地产生的,它有其产生的技术性基础,有其产生的实际需要,本文此部分首先分析了实时参考服务蓬勃开展的基础性技术——网络即时信息的发展及其在各个方面的应用情况;界定了即时信息与网络实时参考服务的关系,厘清了即时信息、数字参考、实时参考等本文将要涉及的重要概念。接着对国内外目前开展实时参考服务的现状做了详细的分析探讨,介绍了大量的相关实例。 2 网络实时参考服务模式构建分析 实时参考将经历一个整合发展与创新发展的历程。所谓整合发展,即指在一定发展阶段上,把具有某些相同或者相似特征的服务模式从概念上甚至在实践中予以整合,以期发挥其最大的效率。所谓创新发展,即指根据环境、技术的改变,服务对象信息需求的变更,服务范围的拓展等等因素,有针对性地开展一些新型的服务模式,创造性地服务于用户。本部分从构建条件、构建原则与方法和构建要素几个方面对服务模式构建问题进行了分析。构建条件基于数字参考的特点和新环境下用户需求的特点。构建原则主要从用户、时间和技术等方面考虑,方法有分散式和集成式。构建要素包括数字化资源、服务规程、服务软件、目标用户和咨询员等方面。 3网络实时参考服务模式类型分析 此部分为本文的重点之一。根据实时参考服务交流即时性、服务交互性、后台沟通性、用户主动性、咨询个性化和人工智能化的特点,实时参考服务模式可以从人员参与、复杂程度、模块位置与运作方式等不同方面进行划分。本文将实时参考服务模式划分成了四种模式: 队Q模式。FAQ的超级链接方式使一大部分用户的简单信息需求不必通过数据库系统或咨询员的帮助也能得到迅速准确的解决,节约了用户的时间,节省了图书馆的人力资源。队Q是网络实时参考服务最基础的一种模式,可以说它是网络环境下对现实参考服务中图书馆利用指南或者咨询台简单问答的一种最佳模拟。它具备了网络实时参考最基本的特征一一即时性。 AuTo模式。这是一种通过网络实现的全自动实时参考服务,其发展是基于对ReadyReference(RR)的网络化运用。它采用的是没有中间人的非居间服务模式。由于较强的实用性和巨大商业前景的诱惑,该模式无论在国外还是国内都得到了一定的发展。 CHAT模式。这是指利用特定的聊天(chat)软件实现的用户与咨询员之间的实时文本、语音或者视频交流的网络参考咨询服务模式。这也是大多数探讨网络实时参考服务者所讨论的重点,甚至被认为是网络实时参考服务的代名词。因为这种模式真止实现了人与人之间在网络环境中的虚拟交谈,就仿佛现实中的人与人交流一样。这种模式也是最大程度上模拟了现实参考咨询服务的方式,在服务效果上能达到甚至超过现实中的参考服务。 CO一REAL一TIME模式。这是一种合作式实时参考咨询服务模式。它建立在合作数字参考咨询服务(c DRs)的基础上。按照一定的标准和协议,面向更人范围(甚至是全球网络范围)的网络用户提供数字参考服务。该模式的实质要素是合作(Collaboration)和实时(Real一time)。 4网络实时参考服务关健要素评价分析 实时参考评价在宏观上要基于对数字参考服务评价的认识及其相关标准的把握,才能达到总体上的实时参考服务评价分析目的。但是实时参考毕竟是因为其独特的一些特性才在整体的数字参考服务中日益显现出越来越重要的地位,因此在对实时参考服务进行评价分析时也必然应该有其侧重点,抓住了评价的关键点,整体服务的评价就相对简单易行。作为本文的又一重点,此部分从三个方面对实时参考进行了评价分析: 参考软件评价分析。实时参考的有效开展必须借助于优良的实时参考软件,而行业专业化是市场竞争的重要特色,因此就意欲开展网络实时参考咨询服务的部门而言,与专业化软件公司合作获取实时参考软件是可取之路,需要集中关注的问题在于选择评价软件方面。包括功能、用户、业务、管理和售后等儿个方面。 信息素养评价分析。信息素养作为解决信息需求的能力,在实时?

【Abstract】 The idea of chat reference which based on the technology of instant messenger loom so large in the digital reference recently, more and more people realize that chat reference can promote the service level of digital reference by its advanced technology and appetency. Internet is a plat for communication between different people in substance, so the means, times and effect of chat reference optimize the revolutionary model of digital reference. Now the librarian are probing into this kind of realm domestic and abroad library, experience being accumulated, problem being showed.Basing itself on practical experience, by using the methods of literature analysis, statistical analysis, communication with professional, and in the end by integrating the quantitative analysis with the qualitative analysis, the thesis give an induce and innovation about chat reference through a general introduce. A comprehensive understanding about chat reference has been achieved, some new analytical model has been proposed. The thesis consists of 4 parts:Part 1 the general description of chat referenceChat reference can’t come into being without any condition, the basis of technology, the practical requirement and so on are important factor in its birth. This part of the thesis firstly analyses the instant messenger which is the technological basis of chat reference-its development and application in all kind of way. Then as an important step discerns the crucial concept in chat reference, such as the instant messenger, digital reference, chat reference, real-time reference, finally a detailed analysis been given about the status quo of real-time reference in the world, accompanied by a large number of correlative cases.Part 2 The establishment analysis of chat reference modelUndergoing a syncretic and cretionary development, chat reference will exert most efficiency. The syncretic development means the service model having the same characteristic being integrated in concept and practice. The cretionary development means some new service model being put into practice according to the development of environment and technology, the change of information demand of users, the expand of service area and so on. This part analyses the issues about establishment of chat reference in the light of the condition, the principle and the element. The condition based on the characteristic of digital reference and information demand of users; theprinciple analyses in the term of user, time and technology; the element include the digital information resources, the service rules, the software, the target user and librarians.Part 3 the genre analysis of chat reference modelThis part is one of the points in this thesis. According to the characteristic of chat reference which includes the instantaneous communication, the mutual service, the exchanged backchannel, the active users, the individuation consultation and the artificial intelligence, chat reference can classify in term of people, complicacy, module and running. Therefore this thesis classifies 4 kind of model:FAQ. FAQ content users’ information demand with super links but without the assistance of the reference system or the librarian, so the service time and the human resources are saved. FAQ is the most basic model of chat reference so that it can be looked as an analogy of the reference desk in library or the guides of library. It possesses the most basic characteristic of chat reference -instantaneousness.AUTO.AUTO is a kind of digital reference which is practised without librarian,it also named Disintermediation which mean there is no librarian when the user get his answers in the reference services. AUTO is based on the praciece of Ready Reference on the Internet.Owing to the practicability and the perspective the development of AUTO is developed quickly.CHAT. CHAT means a kind of digital reference by using special chat software which includes text chat, voice and video. It is just a point of chat reference discussed by most of librarian and some people regard it as substi

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G250.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】328