

Comments on Krugman’s New Contribution to Regional Economics

【作者】 柳德才

【导师】 伍新木;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 区域经济学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在20世纪50年代适应国际与各国内部地域分工的深化,从经济学和生产布局学中脱胎出来的一门新兴学科——区域经济学,到今天已经发展成为“具有坚定的研究方向和巨大研究潜力的成熟的经济学科之一”。韦伯、迈达尔、赫什曼、艾萨德、屠能、克里斯塔勒、廖什……这些人的名字紧密地和区域经济学的发展联系在一起。然而,有一位长期以来都不知道自己是在区域经济学的国际经济学家,我们同样也不该将他遗忘,他就是保罗·克鲁格曼。 本文总结了他对区域理论发展的贡献,系统地梳理了克氏区域经济的理论源头和理论基础,上升到从方法论上理解主流经济学与区域经济学在分析工具上的差异,导致区域经济学学科长期游离于主流经济学之外的根本原因的分析。 本文行文的基本架构是:第一部分回顾了克鲁格曼的经济学研究历程,其中介绍了他的主要研究领域、主要著作以及主要创新。第二部分介绍了克鲁格曼对五大传统区域经济理论的审视,第三部分重点研究克鲁格曼理论对区域经济学的贡献并评述了其现实意义。第四部分分析了克鲁格曼区域经济研究的方法、工具与范式。最后论及了区域经济学学科边缘化问题。

【Abstract】 With the deeper division in international and domestic department region in the fifties of the 20th century, a new subject is born out of economics and production distribution -Regional Economics, which has already developed "one of the economic fields with firm research direction and maturity of enormous research potentiality ". Weber, G..Myradal, Hirshman, W.Isard, Thunen, W.Christaller and Losch whose names have been closely linked to the development of regional economics. However, we should not forget one who hasn’t known for a long time that himself is the international economist in regional economics. He is Paul Krugman.This text summarizes Paul Krugman’s contribution to the theory of regional economy, combed Paul Krugman’s theoretical origin and foundation of the regional economy systematically, understand the difference in analysis tools between major economics and regional economics with methodology, analyze the basic reason that has caused regional economics to dissociate from major economics for a long time.The basic framework of the text is: First part reviews Krugman’s economics research course, and introduce his dominating research field, primary work and main innovation. The second part introduces Krugman’s thinking about the five traditional regional economic theories. The third part will mainly study the contribution of Krugman’s research to regional economy and comment it’s realistic meaning ,. The fourth part analyses Krugman’s regional economic research method , tool and normal form. The last part deals with the regional economics area’s marginalisation question.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F061.5
  • 【下载频次】1492