

Analysis and Management of Voltage Fluctuation of Distribution Network Caused by Surge Load

【作者】 宋伶俐

【导师】 李裕能;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电力工业的发展,冲击和时变特性的负荷日益增多,现代电力系统不能仅用频率和电压来衡量电能质量。本文针对同步辐射装置(SRF)供电系统的波动负荷引起的配电网络电压波动,首先计算了波动负荷引起的无功功率变动量;再用最大无功功率变动量法分析配电网络电压的波动范围;然后用OrCAD软件对系统进行了部分仿真,将所得的结果与理论结果进行比较,并对照电压波动与闪变的国家标准,发现结果超标,因此必须进行无功功率补偿。 本文根据SRF系统中的无功功率变动量进行分组投切电容器来实现无功功率补偿。MATLAB作为一种系统分析和仿真工具,它功能强大、使用方便,可对电力系统进行深入的仿真和分析研究。在进行无功补偿之前,本文利用MATLAB仿真软件对SRF系统中晶闸管投入电容器暂态过程进行了仿真研究。从仿真曲线可以看出,利用并联电容器组虽然可以很好的实现无功功率补偿,但其投入时会带来很大的涌流电流,过大的涌流会损坏元件,但当电路中串联电抗器后,可明显地限制涌流。,因此需要在无功补偿装置主电路部分加入电抗器。 随着电力电子技术的发展,静止无功补偿装置得到了迅猛地发展,本文对负荷补偿的必要性、理想补偿器的要求、无功补偿方式的基本原则以及主要补偿手段进行了介绍。文中着重针对治理波动性负荷的电压波动的技术措施——晶闸管投切电容器的基本原理进行了分析和研究,对电容器的投入时刻进行了探讨,计算出了在35kV侧和10kV侧需投切的电容量,并针对波动性负荷进行了控制电路的硬件设计。通过分组投切电容器,使得SRF的冲击性负荷在35kV侧和10kV侧引起的电压波动均为1%,符合电压允许波动和闪变的国家标准要求。

【Abstract】 With the development of power industry, the surge and time-changed load become more and more, so modern power system cann’t be measured only by voltage and frequence. This paper introduces the concept of the voltage fluctuation, and deduces the formula of the maximum reactive power method. On the basis of the formula, the voltage fluctuation of the SRF magnet power system is calculated. Then, part simulation of the system is done by using OrCAD software. Finally, the result of the simulation is compared with the result of the academic calculation to verify whether the voltage fluctuation meets. According to the standard of voltage fluctuation and flicker, the SRF magnet power system should be taken measures of reactive compensation.MATLAB is a kind of convenient software for analysis and simulation, so it is used in the power system to make a further research. This paper simulinks the transient state of thyristor switching capacitor by using MATLAB software. The result is that reactive power can be well compensated by switching capacitor, but it also produces rush current. To prevent rush current from destroying device, series reactor must be employed in the circuit.In the dynamic reactive power compensation device, microcomputer is employed as the control center and a rapid reactive power detecting method with a special thyristor controlling technology is available. It can compensate the fundamental-wave reactive power in distribution network in real time. The control mode of the main circuit and the schematic block of the device are presented in detail. By switching capacitor, the voltage fluctuation can meet the standard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TM711
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】518