

Study on Environmental Common Tort Civil Liability

【作者】 王燕

【导师】 王树义;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 环境法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十世纪以来,随着经济的快速发展和全球财富的迅猛增加,人类赖以生存和发展的环境与资源也遭到前所未有的破坏:酸雨、臭氧层空洞、土壤沙化、水土流失、地球温室效应、水资源匮乏,这些问题都严重危及人类乃至整个地球的生存和延续,环境问题日益成为世人瞩目的焦点,而随着现代工业的发展,由环境共同侵权行为所致的环境污染与生态破坏已成为突出问题,并日趋严重,为了保护受害人的合法权益,需要在传统共同侵权行为的基础上,对环境共同侵权行为作出理论分析与实践,这些理论主要有无过错责任原则、连带赔偿责任、举证责任倒置、因果关系推定原则、共同危险责任说、损害赔偿的社会化制度等,以使环境共同侵权行为中受害人的利益得到切实保障。目前,我国关于环境共同侵权民事责任的理论框架已基本形成,但由于探讨、研究不够深入全面,加之立法上仍存在不少缺陷及矛盾之处,使得突出环境共同侵权特征的理论成果较少,实践中处理环境共同侵权纠纷也大多参照普通环境侵权的有关法律规定,故环境共同侵权民事责任的理论与立法实践仍需进一步健全与完善。

【Abstract】 With rapid economic development and increase on wealth all over the world, the environment which the human begins live and develop since 20th century is destroyed never before: acid rain, ozone hole, earth send-east, natural running off, green house effect on earth, water resource deficiency. These problems endanger the living and development of human beings and all the earth. Environmental pollution has become the focus of people, with the development of modem industry, environment pollution and ecosystem ruin which are caused by environmental common tort behavior have become important problems and more important .In order to protect lawful interests of victims, we should analyze theoretically and practice environmental common tort behavior. These theories include: non-fault liability principle, related amends liability, quote liability shifts, cause-result inference, principle common dangerous liability principle, social system on loss and compensative so as to make the interests of victim on the environmental common tort behavior safeguard. Now, the theoretical framework on environmental common tort civil liability has developed fundamentally. However, because discuss and study are not proficient and overall, and there are shortage and contradiction on legislation theoretical achievement. On environmental common tort character is less, dispute on environmental common tort follows lawful regulation on common environmental tort .So theory and legislative practice on environmental common tort civil liability were perfective and improvement more.

【关键词】 环境共同侵权责任救济
【Key words】 EnvironmentCommon TortLiabilityRelieve
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.6;D913
  • 【下载频次】446