

Cooperation under Specialized Financial Regime and Choosing the Right Forms of Financial Holding Company

【作者】 蔡才河

【导师】 王维安;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新经济的兴起和全球经济的日益一体化,国际金融业的竞争日趋激烈,全球金融业日益国际化、电子化和全能化,金融机构间的跨行业、跨国界购并以及金融机构的多元化经营层出不穷,金融企业的组织形式以各种各样的形态在世界各国迅速出现,世界金融业分业经营的主导格局正逐渐被打破,金融业综合化发展成为国际金融业发展的客观要求和大势所趋,金融业控股公司化、金融公司集团化也已经演化成为一种国际性的潮流。 我国于2001年11月正式加入WTO后,金融业的对外开放在广度和深度上也日益加强,在国际银行业新的发展趋势下,我国在加快完成金融业各方面的管理制度的同时,在WTO规定的金融业全面开放的五年过渡期内确立我国金融业综合化发展战略,在金融分业经营管理条件下,通过当前银证、银保、证保等全方位、多角度金融合作的尝试和探索,在金融业进一步对外开放的过程中逐步扩大银行、证券和保险等业务相互渗透的比例和层次,积极进行金融控股公司的理论研究和实践探讨,全面提升我国金融业的对内整合力和对外竞争力。 本论文就是在上述的背景下,从研究我国金融分业合作的现状和发展趋势入手,着重探讨我国金融控股公司模式选择的理论依据和实践,为我国金融业的改革提供一些建议和意见。论文由五部分组成:第一部分从全球金融业发展现状和进程入手,介绍了本论文写作的背景和现实意义;第二部分论述了在目前我国金融业严格分业经营和分业监管的条件下,我国银行、证券、保险、信托等金融机构的合作现状和发展趋势;第三部分阐述了在我国金融分业制度下,随着金融分业合作的不断深化,作为金融机构组织形式和业务经营管理模式的一种创新,金融控股公司模式应该是我国金融制度渐进式变革过程中金融经营体制的最理想选择;第四部分介绍了金融控股公司的基本理论和我国目前各类金融控股公司发展现状的实证研究以及存在的问题;第五部分论述了我国金融控股公司发展思路和战略,着重从金融立法、监管机制的选择和监管体系的完善、金融机构经营机制的改革、创造经营环境等方面论述我国金融控股公司构建的思路和步骤,并对金融控股公司在我国的发展充满了信心和希望。

【Abstract】 With the development of new economy and the economic globalization, the competition in international finance is competing more and more. The globalization, electronicalization and universalization, the trans-industry & trans-national operation, multinational merger and diversification of financial business become more and more popular. The organization of financial enterprises shows more and more diversification all over the world. Restricted financial operation is transforming to comprehensive one. The new development in international finance needs universal functions in a financial service company. The financial holding company and financial group are becoming the most popular forms in international financial industry.China formally entered the WTO in Nov. 2001 and the opening of Chinese finance is inevitable from all aspects. China is fastening the modernization of its finance industry while the WTO also requires its member country to setup its new regime in the 5-year adapting period. In the regime of restricted financial operation system, Chinese financial industry is improving its competition power through the cooperation between bank-securities, bank-insurance, insurance-securities and research in relevant theories and practice.My essay is working on the theories and practice of Chinese financial holding company according to the restricted finance service companies and development of the universal finance in China. My goal is to offer some valuable conclusions or suggestions for the new reform and development of Chinese finance industry. There are 5 components: 1st, the background and importance for the finance reform and development; 2nd, introduction of the current operations of Chinese banking, securities, insurance, trust companies and their future tendency on the condition that they are strictly regulated and supervised. 3rd, the optimizing choice of the form of financial holding companies under the current financial regulating system and increasing inter-financial cooperations; 4th, the fundamental theories of financial holding company along with the development of these companies in China and some existing problems; 5th, the strategies and goals of Chinese financial holding companies, especially from financial legislation, supervising system and its improvement, the reform of financial operating system, building a good business environment. Some operational procedures and ideas are under consideration while we are optimistic and confident about it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】277