

【作者】 潘轶彦

【导师】 钱敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅速发展,顾客有越来越多的机会和更多的途径接触和感知企业及其品牌,因此品牌接触点管理在学术上应运而生,受到了企业和理论界的关注。文章在顾客价值分析的基础上,结合服务特性,着重研究如何有效管理服务品牌接触点。首先是对相关理论的回顾,并对服务品牌接触点进行了界定,之后在确认和归纳了服务品牌接触点的基础上,整合相关理论内容建立了服务市场的顾客价值生成模型,展开了服务品牌接触点对顾客价值的影响路径研究。然后在情节价值层次和关系价值层次上分别对服务品牌接触点进行信息设计,并引进关系对话机制构建了服务品牌接触点沟通模型。最后提出了服务品牌接触点沟通的保障策略,包括强化企业承诺和顾客期望管理策略、有效引导顾客行为策略、企业内部营销的运作策略、建立跨职能质量管理小组策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology, customers have more and more chances to contact and apperceive enterprises and their brands in much more ways. Therefore brand contact point management emerges as the times require, and it has been paid close attention by enterprises and scholars. This thesis studies the management of service enterprise’ s brand contact points linking with service characteristics on the base of the analysis of customer value. At first it reviews the related theories and defines service brand contact point. Afterward it sets up the model of customer value’ s forming by integrating some related theories after affirming service brand contact points, and researches how the points influence customer value. Then it designs the communication information on the arrangement of episode value and relationship value separately, builds up the model of service brand contact points communication through adopting the idea of relationship dialogue, and concludes the principles of the points communication. In order to improve service brand contact point’ s effect and developing the good relationship between company and customer, it puts forward some strategies of guarantee, including management of promises and expectation, customers’ education, running internal marketing, and founding a quality-managed group across the departments.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1248