

Research on the Regulation and Marketing Reform of Chinese Air Transportation

【作者】 乌海林

【导师】 额尔敦扎布;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国的航空运输业一直在飞速发展,随着市场需求的急剧增长,业务量也在急剧扩大,从1978年到2002年的24年里,我国航空运输总周转量已经从2.99亿吨公里增长至165亿吨公里,旅客运输量从230万人增长至8594万人,总周转量、旅客运输量的年平均增长速度分别达到18.2%和16.3%。我国运输总周转量在国际民航组织缔约国中的排列位次,由1978年的第37位上升至2002年的第5位,旅客运输周转量由第33位上升至第4位(以上均未包括港澳民用航空运输量),步入了航空大国的行列。 随着世界经济的全球化,航运业的全球化和自由化已成为不可逆转的历史潮流,与发达国家相比,中国民航无论从机队规模、竞争实力和管理水平相比又绝对不是一个航空强国。如何实现由航空大国向航空强国的转变,是摆在中国民航面前的一个重大课题。世界各国尤其是发达国家的经验告诉我们,政府规制及放松规制对于航空运输业的发展所起的作用是巨大的,适度的放松规制将使产业结构优化,生产效率得到提高,同时使消费者获得益处。由此可见,对我国航空运输业的政府规制和规制改革进行研究,对促进我国航空运输业的发展具有重要的现实意义。 中国民航通过较深入的管理体制改革、放松政府规制和努力实现政企分开,引入了竞争机制,初步形成了多家航空公司并存的寡头竞争格局,国内理论界普遍认为:它是打破行业垄断、促进竞争的成功尝试,是研究行业体制改革和市场竞争的一个重要案例。然而目前中国航空运输业中存在的问题和矛盾仍然很突出,与放松规制的目标一一实现航空运输业的市场化仍有较大的差距。 本文重点从政府规制对我国航空运输业发展的影响和作用进行研究,试图对我国航空运输业的规制改革提出一些建议。 本文共分为七个部分来探讨我国航空运输业的规制改革。在第一部分,用经济学理论分析航空运输业的政府规制及放松规制的原因。第二部分,详细的分析了航空运输业的产业特征,试图从动态发展的角度对其自然垄断性和竞争性特点进行解释。第三部分,通过研究和借鉴国外航空运输业放松规制改革的经验,对我国航空运输业规制改革提供一些新的思路。第四部分,对中国民航运输业的改革历程进行实证分析并指出改革的动因。第五部分,通过对我国航空运输市场的市场结构、市场行为等进行分析,指出我国航空运输业己进入了寡头垄断竞争阶段,政府规制应该是以维护消费者利益、促进行业健康发展、提高企业生产效率为目标。第六部分,分析我国航空运输业的现状,指出放松规制改革过程中存在的障碍和问题。第七部分,对我国航空运输业的放松规制提出一些探索意见。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up, China is making great headway in air transport industry. With the rapid increase of market demand, its business enlarges dramatically. During the period from 1978 to 2002, the total volume of airfreight increased from 299,000,000 ton kilometer to 16,500,000,000 ton kilometer; the volume of passenger transport increased from 2,300,000 to 85,940,000, the annual average increase rate of total volume of airfreight and passengers was up to 18.2% and 16.3% separately. The total volume of airfreight ranked the fifth in 2002 from the thirty-seventh in the year 1978 among the contracting parties of International Civil Aviation Organization; the volume of passenger transport came the fourth from the thirty-third (all the above-mentioned indexes do not include the volume of air transport of Hong kong and Macao), and joined the ranks of big aviation powers.With the globalization of world economy, the globalization and liberalization of air transport industry has become the irreversible trend of history. Compared with the developed countries, CAAC is not a aviation power absolutely in scale of fleet, competition capability and management level. Therefore, how to change from a big aviation country into a aviation power is a major issue facing CAAC. The experience from all over the world, especially the developed countries, shows that the regulations of the government, and loosening rules and regulations play an enormous role in the development of air transport industry; properly loosening rules and regulations can optimize industrial structure, improve the production efficiency, and at the same time, benefit the consumers. This shows that research on the rules and regulations of the government and regulations reform of air transport industry are of realistic importance for the development of China air transport industry.CAAC introduced competition mechanism and formed initiallythe oligarch competition structure which multi-airline companies coexist by in-depth reform of administrative system reform, loosening the rules and regulations of the government and striving for separation of the functions and responsibilities of the enterprises from those of the government. Domestic theoretical circles think that it is a successful attempt to break industrial monopoly and promote competition; and it’s an important case for research on system reform and market competition. However, at present, the problems and contradictions in air transport industry of China are still very sharp, and we have the long way to go before attaining the goal of loosening regulations?achieving the marketing of air transport industry.This article gives priority to the impact of rules and regulations of the government on the development of air transport industry, and puts forward some suggestions on regulations reform.This article is divided into seven sections to probe the regulations reform of air transport industry. Section One, analyzes the reason for the rules and regulations of the government, and loosening rules and regulations with the theory of economics; Section Two, analyzes the industrial characteristics of air transport industry in detail, and make explanations on its natural monopoly and competition from dynamic developing angle; Section Three, puts forward some new ideas for regulations reform through research and drawing on the experience of foreign air transport industry. Section Fourth, analyzes the experience and course of the reform of China air transport industry with actual evidence and show the motive force of reform; Section Five, indicates air transport industry of China has gone into the competition stage of oligarch monopoly by analyzing the market structure and market behavior, etc. of air transport market. The regulations of the government should aim to safeguard the consumers’ interests, promote industry to develop in a healthy way and improve the production efficiency of enterprises. Section Six, analyzes the status of air transport industry, indicates the obstacle and problems existing in such

  • 【分类号】F562
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