

On the Research of Subject Study in Mathematics in High School

【作者】 程慧琴

【导师】 李志远;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “课题学习”是现行的中学数学教材在2001颁布了《全国义务教育数学课程标准》、2003年4月颁布了《普通高中数学课程标准》(实验)指导下加入的新内容。 课题学习是指将研究性学习的思想和方法体现在学科教学中,通过教师对教材的处理,把教学内容转化成课题,以课题为核心,综合多科教学内容,依靠学生的自主探索来完成“课题”的学习。数学课题学习就是将研究性学习的思想和方法体现在数学学科中,使教学过程变为一种“科研”或“微科研”的过程,让学生在获取知识的同时,参与体验研究性学习过程,从而提高学生独立提出研究课题和解决问题的能力。 课题学习的目的是通过课题学习的设置,使学生在数学学习中有更多的实践与探索的机会,通过对有挑战性和综合性的课题的解决,经历数学化的过程,体验数学知识的内在联系,并获得研究问题的方法和经验,使学生的思维能力、自主探索与合作交流的意识和能力从中得到发展,同时,问题解决后的成功体验也将增进学生学习数学的信心。 本文通过对课题学习的研究,结合自己在教学中的探索实验,试图找到符合课题学习的教学策略,来指导课题学习的教学,实现课题学习进入教材的目的。 全文共分四部分。第一部分指出:课题学习是在世界课程改革及“问题解决”、“做数学”、“大众数学”等一系列教育教学理论更新的基础上,为了更好地促进学生的发展而产生的:其主要特征是学习内容生活化、学习形式自主化、学习过程创新化;课魔学习的设计思想,我认为来源于荷兰数学家数学教育家弗来登塔尔的数学教育思想,因为课题学习的内容体现了弗来登塔尔的“现实数学”的思想,课题学习的过程体现了弗来登塔尔的“数学化”和“再创造”的思想. 几第二部分具体分析了课题学习的意义:我认为课题学习是顺应社会发展要求的;它的实施可以促进学生的发展;数学中进行课题学习符合数学学科特点:并且它是有利于教学的一种好形式。. 第三部分:在分析了国内外课题学习有关教学的基础上,我认为课题学习教学时应遵循的原则是:主体性原则、探究性原则、_实践性原则、开放性原则。在此原则指导下的课题学习的教学策略是:(l)创设情境,目标指引(2)独立探索、实践体验(3)交流互动,营造民主氛围(4)反思评价,意义建构。 最后,还进行了这样的息考:课题学习引入中学数学教材,这对教师提出了新的要求;首先,教师要清晰自己的角色定位;其次,教师要更新教育教学观念:最后,要不断学习,提高自己的知识和能力水平。

【Abstract】 Subject Study is a new content added to the current mathematics teaching material in high school, under the direction of < National Compulsory Education Mathematics Cumcular Criteria >in 2001and <General Senior High School Mathematics Curricular Criteria >(Experiment) in April 2003.Subject Study is to present the research learning thought and method to subject teaching, which inverts the teaching content to the subject by teachers’ material processing, synthesizing multi-teaching material as subject-centred, and achieving by students’ self- investigated. Mathematics Subject Study puts the research learning thought and method on mathematics course and changes the teaching process into a kind of that of ’scientific research’ or ’micro- scientific research’. As the students participate in the process of research learning, they obtain the knowledge and develop their abilities to presenting the research subject and problem-resolved.The aim of Subject Study is to make the students get more practise and investigation in the course of mathematics study by resolving the subjects Ml of challenge and synthetic, and to make them experience the mathematics process and internal connection within the mathematics knowledge for obtaining the method and experience of investigating questions, It will develop the students’abilities of thinking and investigation independently, cooperation and communication, and meanwhile strengthening their confidence in mathematics whale they experience the success from problem-resolved.By researching the subject study and combining self-teaching experiment, the article made an effort at teaching strategy for subject study to direct the teaching of subject study and to achieve the purpose of adsorbing the subject study into the teaching material.There are four modules in the article, the fiUst module, pointing out Subject Study is based on the global course reformation and problem-resolved1, ’do mathematics’ and ’mass mathematics’ and so on, a series of renewal educational pedagogy theories, and was given birth to develop the students’ growth. What its main features are get the learning content practical, keeping the learning ways independent and learning process creative, m my opinion, the philosophy for the subject study was from Netherlands mathematician ,and educator Fradentel because the content of the subject study reveals his ’Reality Mathematics’ Thought and the process of it shows his ’Mamematicslization’ and ’recreation’ thought. The second module analyses the merit of the subject study: I think subject study is foAlowing the social development and will improve the students’ growth; it fits in the mathematics features and it is in favour of teaching mathematics.The third module: based on the research of international & domestic subject study regarding teaching, in my opinion, the teaching for subject study should follow the principles, i.e. dominical, investigating, practical and open. Under the direction of that, the teaching strategy is : (1) Creating the situation and directing the destination (2) Independently exploring and experiencing the practise (3) Mutually and equally communicating (4) Reflecting the assessment and reconstructing.At last, the consideration is brought forward: subject study into high school mathematics teaching material provides the requests for the teachers, first, the teachers shall understand their role position clearly; secondly, the teachers shall renew their pedagogical ideas, finally, the teachers will keep studying and improving their knowledge and competence.

【关键词】 课题学习教学策略教学实践
【Key words】 subject studyteaching strategyteaching practise
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】285