

Research of Learning Strategies of Physics in Senior High School

【作者】 耿占胜

【导师】 吉日嘎拉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪的文盲不再是目不识丁的文盲,而是不会学习的文盲。传授有效的学习策略,教会学生学习,已被当前教育界视为提高学习和练习效率的有效途径及减轻学生负担,大面积提高教学质量的有效措施。《高中物理课程标准》强调应注重全体学生的共同基础,满足学生的不同学习需求,促进学生自主地、富有个性地学习。因此,我们开展对中学物理学习策略的研究就显得十分重要。锡盟二中地处内蒙古自治区西部,地理位置偏僻,学校情况在本区非常有代表性。为了掌握学生学习物理的情况,我们在锡盟二中的学生中进行了调查,目前学生的学习策略水平总体上还不高,迫切需要教师在学习方法及学习策略上进行指导,教师以课题研究为契机,努力学习,探索研究物理学习方法是对学生进行指导的前提,通过指导让学生明白学习过程和学习规律,思维过程和思维规律,有利于他对学习过程和思维过程进行调控,提高策略水平。根据以上调查的情况,我对物理学习策略进行了划分,主要分为物理概念的学习策略,物理规律的学习策略、物理实验的学习策略和解题的学习策略四大部分,利用专题讲座与日常教学中进行指导相结合的方式,自2003年10月至2004年1月份进行了实验研究。在锡盟二中选取了四个班级,两个为实验班,两个为对照班,进行了为期3个月的实验研究,实验过程中主要针对以上四种物理学习的策略对学生进行教学。实验结果表明: 1、学生的思维品质发生了变化,学生解决问题时能注重延缓对物理现象和物理过程的定性分析和对物理事物的整体把握,分析问题的能力有所提高。2、学生知识结构和认知心理结构得到了优化通过对学习策略的学习,学生在独立地发现问题并创造性地解决问题的能力有了较大的提高,并对物理表现出浓厚的学习兴趣、较高的学习热情和积极的参与意识。3、教师的观念发生了变化学习策略的教学实验也给了教师更多的思考,对教育过程的本身也有了全新的感受,知识是一种解释、假设或假说,它不是问题的最终答案,它必将随着人们认识程度的深入而不断地变革、升华和改写,出现新的解释和假设:知识是能力的载体,学生今天的学习依赖于以前的学习,是为以后走向社会和终身发展奠定基础,对学生的教育不能只是传授知识,更重要的是学会方法和培养能力,使他们在若千年以后虽然忘记了所学的知识,但仍然掌握着相应的方法。 教给学生学习的方法,教会学生学会学习,才是教学的真谛。希望通过本研究,能够为广大教师进行学习策略的教学提供一些帮助和参考。

【Abstract】 Illiteracy of 21 century is not the one who can’t read and write, but the one who can’t study. Learning is a lifelong task that is very important for people. Teaching the students how to learn and giving them effective learning strategy has been the effective way of enhancing the students’ learning efficiency, lightening students’ burden and improving the teachers’ teaching. The New Curriculum Criterion for Physics Teaching points out clearly and definitely that the common senior high school education still belongs to the foundation education and it should emphasizes on the common ground of the students, fulfill the different requirement of the students and make them study independently and individually. It is very important for us to research on learning strategy of physics in high school. No.2 High School of Ximeng, which is very poor and in the country, is a typical school of Inner Mongolia Municipality. We investigated the students of the school on their using of learning strategies in physics. The investigation shows that the using level of learningstrategies of the students is still low, so the teachers should teach more learning strategies while teaching. Teachers must study and master learning strategies so that they can teach the students how to learn physics in right way. This text summarizes the learning strategy of the concept,regulation and solution of physics in high school and provides the way of studying physics. I experimentally taught the students the strategies above by giving them special lectures and practices in daily class. The whole experimental teaching last 3 months and got an exited result:The students’ thinking quality improves greatly. When solving a problem, they can think and analyze the problem better and more considerable.The students’ knowledge and congnitive structure is better built than before. They become solve independent in solving problems and have more interest in physics. They are willing to study physics now.The teachers’ ideas changes. This experimental teaching made the teachers have a new view of their work. All of the teachers who attended the experimental teaching now believe that teaching the method of study is the most important thing of education.Teaching the students how to learn is the essence of education. I wish my study can give the teachers some ideas and help in their teaching.

【关键词】 学习策略高中物理概念规律解题
【Key words】 Learning strategyphysics in high schoolconceptregulationsolution
  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】382