

Research on the Characteristics of Self-control,Learning Adaptability and Their Relations with Study Records Among Mongolian and Han Middle School Students

【作者】 王斌

【导师】 杨伊生;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究主要采用了测验法和问卷法,对622名蒙汉初中生的自我控制、学习适应性的特点及其与学业成绩的关系进行了研究,研究得到了以下主要结论: 1.蒙汉初中生自我控制存在显著的民族差异,汉族初中生自我控制水平显著高于蒙族初中生。 2.蒙汉初中生不同性别之间自我控制差异显著,女生比男生具有更高的自我控制能力。 3.蒙汉初中生的自我控制存在年级差异,学习行为自我控制、行为习惯自我控制、自控品质和社会交往中的自我控制都呈起伏状,初一和初三年级好于初二年级。 4.蒙汉初中生的学习适应性既有共同性也有差异性。在学习热情、听课方法、学习技术、朋友关系和心身健康方面存在显著的民族差异。蒙族初中生在学习热情、听课方法、学习技术三方面优于汉族初中生,而在朋友关系和心身健康方面则略低于汉族初中生。在学习计划、读书和记笔记方法、应试方法、家庭环境、学校环境、独立性和毅力等方面则不存在显著民族差异。 5.蒙汉初中生不同性别之间学习适应性差异显著,女生的学习适应情况显著好于男生。 6.研究结果表明,除应试方法外,蒙汉初中生的学习适应性之间存在显著的年级差异。学习热情、学习计划、家庭环境、朋友关系、独立性和毅力随着年级的升高而升高;听课方法、读书和记笔记方法、学习技术、家庭环境、学校环境、身心健康则呈起伏状,这种现象在初二年级尤为明显。 7.研究考察了蒙汉初中生自我控制与学习适应性之间的关系,研究发现二者之间存在较高的相关关系。 8.蒙汉初中生的自我控制与学业成绩之间存在显著的正相关关系,而且通过高成绩组与低成绩组被试的自我控制与学习适应性水平的差异比较分析发现二者自我控制水平存在显著差异。回归分析的结果表明,蒙汉初中生自我控制的四个因素中只有学习行为自我控制对学生的学业成绩有比较好的预测作用; 9.蒙汉初中生的学习适应性与学业成绩之间存在显著的正相关关系,而且通过高成绩组与低成绩组被试学习适应性水平的差异比较分析发现二者学习适应性存在显著差异。回归分析的结果表明,蒙汉初中生学习适应性的因素中学习热情、身心健康、朋友关系、听课方法、应试方法、毅力、学习技术,对学生的学业成绩有比较好的预测作用。 依据上述研究结论,本研究提出了一些教育建议,以期为民族地区蒙汉初中生自我控制能力和学习适应水平的提高提供指导和参考。

【Abstract】 With adoption of questionnaire and test, the self-control and learning adaptability characteristics of 622 Mongolian and Han junior middle school students (MHJMSS) is studied, furthermore, their relation with students’ study records is also explored. The conclusions are as follows:1. There is clear difference in nationality of the self-control among MHJMSS with Han’s level of self-control being higher than Mongolians’.2. There is clear disparity in gender of the self-control among MHJMSS with girls’ level of self-control being higher than boys’.3. There is clear difference in grade of the self-control among MHJMSS. Undulation is shown in self-control of study acts, self-control of acting habits, self-control characters and self-control in social interactions. The self-control of students in junior 1 and 3 are better than those of junior 2.4. Both intercommunity and disparity in the learning adaptability of MHJMSS can be seen in the self-control of MHJMSS with clear difference in study enthusiasm, listening methods in class, study techniques, friendship relations and physical & mental health. Mongolians do better in study enthusiasm, listening methods in class, study techniques while Hans do slightly better in friendship relations and physical & mental health. In study planning, reading methods, the way of dealing with the tests , family environment, school environment,individuality and perseverance there’s no difference.5. There is clear difference in gender of the learning adaptability among MHJMSS with girls’ better performance.6. There is clear difference in grade of the learning adaptability among MHJMSS except in the way of dealing with the tests. Study enthusiasm, study planning, family environment, friendship relations, and individuality & perseverance shows prosperity with grade accumulation, but listening methods in class, reading methods, study techniques, school environment and physical & mental health are in undulation.7. The relations between the self-control and learning adaptability among MHJMSS are explored, too.8. Clear positive correlation is shown between the self-control and the study records of MHJMSS. In addition, clear difference of self-control is found in students with higher scores and lower scores. Though regression, the only good prediction for study records lies in the self-control of study acts.9. Clear positive correlation is shown between the learning adaptability and the study records of MHJMSS. In detail, clear difference of the learning adaptability is found in the students with higher scores and lower scores. Though regression, study enthusiasm, listening methods in class, the way of dealing with the tests, study techniques, friendship relations, physical & mental health and perseverance are good predictionsfor the learning adaptability.Based on the above conclusions, a few educational suggestions are put forward for promoting the level of self-control and the learning adaptability among MHJMSS.

  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】8
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