

The Artist Style of Characterization of Li Jie-ren’s Novel

【作者】 韩晶

【导师】 付中丁;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 李劼人在中国现代文学史上至少有两个重要独创:一是他在新文学运动爆发之先就尝试用白话创作短篇小说;二是他在新文学史上最早创作长篇历史小说,并突破了历史小说的传统内容和形式。他创作的反映辛亥革命前后这段特定历史的“大河小说”《死水微澜》、《暴风雨前》、《大波》,20世纪80年代以来,越来越受到广大读者的青睐及研究者的瞩目。本文以李劼人研究中较为薄弱的方面——“大河小说”中的人物,作为研究对象进行探讨和论述: 引言:概述李劼人创作情况、本文选题目的及意义。 第一部分:梳理、分析“大河小说”中沉浮不定的男性形象,以求全面认识当时社会历史面貌,进而揭示社会历史发展动向及规律。 第二部分:深入研究“大河小说”中搏击的女性形象,揭示李劼人塑造“另类”女性形象的意义。 第三部分:剖析“大河小说”中着墨不多、塑造非常成功又被研究者忽视的人物形象,力图充实、丰富李劼人研究中的人物研究,凸显李劼人塑造人物手段之高妙。 第四部分:通过挖掘“大河小说”中人物形象的文化蕴涵,阐释文化制约下的个体、群体乃至民族的深层精神结构,深刻揭示文本内容及主旨。第五部分:从三个层面论述“川味”人物描写的现实主义艺术:历史真人与虚构人物的和谐构织;形神兼美的现实主义人物描写技巧;“川味”十足的厚重语言风韵。第六部分:探讨“大河小说”人物创造的成功与不足,为当代小说创作,特别是历史小说创作提供参考与借鉴。结语:李劫人“大河小说”的历史地位。

【Abstract】 Li Jie-ren is a very important writer in Chinese Modern Literature History, whose representative works named as "historical novel" have been found formal favor and paid close attention by more and more readers and research workers by now.There are about more four hundred of characters in Li Jie-ren’s three historical novels, but the study on these figures is deficient at present, which is regretting, so the thesis probes into the characters in Li Jie-ren’s novels.The introduction deals with the creative works of Li Jie-ren and the purpose and the meaning of the thesis created.The first part analyses the men figures in Li Jie-ren’s novels in order to understand the appearance and the development of society in those days more comprehensively.The second part analyses the women characters in Li Jie-ren’s novels in depth and reveals the sense of creating these figures.The third part mainly discusses such figures as are created successfully by the author but are ignored by research workers.The forth part taps cultural value of the typical characters in Li Jie-ren’s works.The fifth part proves the realistic art in depicting figures of Li Jie-ren’s historical novels from three angles.The sixth part shows clearly the success and the failure of Li Jie-ren in mounding characters, which can supply the experiences and the lessons for novelists in the present age.Conclusion tells Li Jie-ren’s important position in Chinese Modern Literature History.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】354