

A Discuss of the New Moon School Poet Chen Mengjia

【作者】 王俊义

【导师】 付中丁;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 陈梦家是中国现代新月派后期最活跃最重要的诗人,他写诗仅七年时间,出版了四本诗集:《梦家诗集》、《在前线》、《铁马集》、《梦家存诗》,共收一百零一首诗。在新月诗派中,陈梦家的诗学成就过多地被闻一多、徐志摩、朱湘等人的光辉掩盖了,多年来对他的创作研究不足。本文试图对陈梦家诗歌创作及其诗学观进行尝试性探索,以弥补这方面研究的缺憾,也渴望抛砖引玉,引起研究者对陈梦家足够的重视,并做深入的探幽,完善中国现代诗歌领域的研究体系。 陈梦家是一位才华横溢的抒情诗人,先后出版了四本诗集,奠定了他在新月诗派中的地位。二十五岁以后,由于个人和社会的因素,他早早收起那颗被幻想涌动的诗心,在闻一多的提携下转向考古学和古文字学研究,走上了诗性学者的道路。在创作中,陈梦家力求展现诗歌内蕴的多重性与趋向,执着于诗美境界的开拓,善于营造意象,以暗示和象征构成了诗作隐喻的艺术境界,使后期新月诗具有明晰的现代象征主义的艺术特质。诗歌格律化是新月诗人一致追求的方向,陈梦家既实验又扩展,早期诗格律谨严,后期随着诗学观念的嬗变,逐步迈向形式自由的创作道路。陈梦家不仅是一位出色的诗人,而且是一位既能师承又能变通的诗歌理论家。他倡导“诗是美的文学”,重视诗的内蕴美,追求诗歌内容与形式的完美统一,确立了“醇正”和“纯粹”的诗学体系,完成了中国现代诗歌理论史上的重要转折。陈梦家独异的文化人格是存在于新月派总体的绅士风情的走向之中,具体表现为通脱的性灵感悟和幽雅平凡的性情。陈梦家以世界性的艺术视野和超前意识,博采古今中外的创作经验,实践和理论同步,将新诗推向一个含蓄隽永、诗体和诗律多变的广阔空间,为中国新诗的发展做出了可贵的探索. 论文以一个全面的论述框架,重点阐析诗人的创作经历、诗歌内蕴的多重性与趋向、诗美境界的执着开拓、“新月诗律”的实验和扩展、“醇正”与“纯粹”的诗学探求、绅士风情与陈梦家的文化人格和“拿来主义”的诗学渊蔽等七个方面,构筑起陈梦家的诗艺世界。陈梦家在短短七年的创作生涯,创造了自己独特的抒情风格,为中国新诗提供了诗学经验。陈梦家的成就和贡献值得珍视。

【Abstract】 Chen Mengjia is the most important and active poet in the late New Moon School in the Modern of china. He had just written poetry for seven years. He published four poetry anthologies, which are Mengjia Poetry Anthology, On Frontline, Iron Horse Poetry Anthology and Mengjia Famous Poetry. There are total 101 poems in them. Cheng Mengjia s achievement in poetry had been shadowed too much by Wen Yiduo, Xu Zhimo,Zhu Xiang, and so on. Researching of him is not enough for so many years. This paper try to explore Chen Mengjia’s poetry writing and notion, and to supplement his backward research in many years. I really want more scholars could engage in this task, more deeply achievement could be got, so we could complete the Chinese poetry research system.Chen Mengjia is a skilful lyric poet. He published four poetry anthologies in that period. It laid a sound foundation for him in the New Moon Poetry School. After the age of 25 years old, owing to the personal and social reasons, his fanciful heart faded away too early. He went to the research area of archaeology and ancient linguistics by the help of Wen Yiduo. It was a road of a poetry scholar. Chen Mengjia tried his best to perform the diversity and trend of poetry inherent artistic conception. He explored artistic conception of aesthetics poetry continuously, and he wasgood at forgiving the image. The hint and symbol are the artistic conception of poetry metaphor. This led the New Moon School’s poetry was the clear modern symbolism artistic quality. To be metrical was the main stream of the New Moon School’s poets. Chen Mengjia experienced and broadened it. In the earlier, there verses are very strictly follow the Metrical pattern. But in later, developing with the poetry notion, it went to the road that free in forming. Chen Mengjia was not just a first-class poet, but a learning and reforming poetry theorist .He advocated the belief that the poetry is aesthetic literature .He thought the inherent beauty is more important than the others .He was pursuing the content integrated with form perfectly .Gradually, he built the pure and unmixed poetry theory system, and he had finished the important revolution in the history of Chinese modern poetry theory. Chen Mengjia s special cultural personality existed in the New Moon School globally, which had the trend of gentlemanly characters. It performed in free and easy sense and graceful natural individuality. Chen Mengjia had explored the Chinese new poetry . It embodied in which he adopted the worldwide artistic outlook and leading viewpoint, learnt the experience from the abroad and home, adjusted the practice with theory simultaneously, promoted the poetry to the place which it is elegant, diversity in style and verse .This paper is a comprehensive system. I pay more attention to poet’s writing experience, poetry’s inherent artistic conception’s diversity andtrend, poet’s continuously exploration in the poetry aesthetic artistic conception, the experience and development in the New Moon School’s verse being metrical, the poetry exploration in purity and nature, gentlemanly characters and Chen Mengjia’s cultural personality, the poetry resources of learning from others directly and so on. This is seven aspects. These formed the Chen Mengjia’s poetry world. During his short seven writing years, he worked out a special lyric style, provided the poetic experience for Chinese new poetry. We should pay more attention to Chen Mengjia’s achievement and contribution.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
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