

The Analysis to LiuZong Yuan ’s Ideology and Literary Creature in Relegation

【作者】 赵彦霞

【导师】 王志民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对柳宗元贬谪时期的思想与文学创作从整体上进行了探讨,以窥见他被贬以后的心灵世界与创作风貌。其中关于柳宗元与儒释道的关系问题,本文与学界的认识略有异同。学界多着眼于他与儒释的关系,而很少论及他与道家道教的关系。对此,这里特意加以探讨,以弥补其不足。 本文分为四个部分加以论述。第一部分为柳宗元与“永贞革新”的关系。“永贞革新”,虽然失败了,但是它采取的一系列进步措施是与柳宗元“辅时及物”、“利安元元”的政治理想相一致的,柳宗元为此付出了沉重的代价。第二部分和第三部分是本文论述的重点。第二部分探讨柳宗元贬谪时期的思想,包括哲学观、政治观、史学观和文学观。第三部分探讨柳宗元贬滴时期的创作,内容涉及幽怨悲愤的心路历程、深沉蕴藉的内容旨向、灵活多样的表现手法和简古冷峭的风格特征这四个方面。第四部分是结语,概括分析柳宗元何以取得如此高的成就。

【Abstract】 During the Tang Dynasty, the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism existed simultaneously and were integrated slowly. LiuZongYuan remoulded the theory of Confucianism by absorbing Buddhism and Taoism. Academic circle’s studies of it focus on his view on Confucianism and Buddhism but talk little about that on Taoism.The thesis makes the shortage up on the basis of the achievements of the older generation and views LiuZongYuan’s ideology and literary creature in relegation times as a whole. Doing this we can catch a glimpse of style and features of his ideology and literary creature.The thesis consists of four parts.In the first part of the thesis we will discuss the relationship between LiuZongYuan and the YongZhen innovation.Though the YongZhen innovation failed, it had taken a series of advantageous measures which accorded with LiuZongYuan’s political idea of "be helpful to society" and "serve the people". Then LiuZongYuan put in a lot of heavy attack for it. The second part and the third part are the major of’the thesis to analyse. The second part discusses the ideology of LiuZongYuan in relegation times,including philosophicaloutlook, political outlook, historic outlook and literary outlook. The third part mainly touches on his literary creature in relegation times that was related to four aspects such as sorrowful course of thought,deep and modest point of content, flexible and various expressive skills, simple and scathing style feature.The last part is the concluding remarks which generalize why LiuZongYuan can reach such a great achievement after he was relegated.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】779