

A Study on Sharing of Curriculum Resources Among Colleges and Universities

【作者】 徐丹

【导师】 胡弼成;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 高等教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 课程资源是对实现课程目标有直接而重要影响的可以利用的物质、能量和信息的综合。在高等教育国际化和教育信息化背景下,高等学校课程资源共享是高等学校课程管理改革的必然。高等学校课程资源共享的目标主要有二:降低课程成本,提高教育经济效率是高等学校课程资源共享的直接目的;提高教育质量是高等学校课程资源共享的终极追求。 按照资源载体的不同,高等学校课程资源共享可以分为传统课程资源共享和网络课程资源共享。传统课程资源共享的内容主要有:传统文献资料、设备设施、人力资源及高等学校的制度。相应的共享途径有:馆际互借与文献传递、租赁、共享圈、教师互聘等等。网络课程资源主要包括:素材资源库、网络课程、教学资源的管理系统、通用教学系统支持平台。网络课程资源共享有三条主要途径,即Internet、Intranet及光盘和软件。 一些高等教育发达的国家较早开始重视高等学校课程资源共享这一问题,成立了高等学校课程资源共享的专门机构。这些机构定位明确、功能齐全、投资主体多样、资源丰富且质量优秀、制度完备。这些启示我们:在建立高等学校课程资源中心时,必须明确资源中心的学科方向和资源共享范围,确定资源中心服务项目,加强资源的搜集和筛选,不断更新资源。 高等学校课程资源共享的顺利实现还需要从宏观到微观的科学管理。宏观管理指国家和教育主管部门对课程资源共享的政策、法律和资金支持。课程资源共享的政策可以推动资源共享的基本设施建设,保证资源的质量并为资源共享的产业化、市场化提供指导;知识产权法的完善是高等学校课程资源共享的主要法律保障;以国家投入为主的多渠道资金来源是高等学校课程资源共享推广的必要条件。中观管理的内容则包括高等学校课程资源管理机构对资源共享活动的规划、课程资源共享的激励制度及共享规则。资源互补、互惠互利是高等学校课程资源共享规划的原则;资源共享者的权利和义务关系是高等学校课程资源共享规则的主要内容;多层次的激励制度是高等学校课程资源共享的动力。高等学校课程资源的微观管理即高等学校课程资源的筛选要贯彻高质量、多元化和适切性三个原则。 技术是高等学校课程资源共享的必要工具,其本身亦是重要的课程资源。高等学校课程资源共享的技术既包括课程资源管理者角度的管理技术,也包括对课程资源共享者而一言的共享的技术。课程资源共享技术的开发主要通过教育技术培训和教育技术专业人才的引进而实现。 对组织共享文化的研究,探讨了如何通过培育共享的环境从而使高等学校这一组织的成员产生共享的动机。开放、合作和创新是共享文化的三大特征。发挥高等学校领导层的支持和示范作用、共享文化的显性化、共享途径的便捷化及资源开发意识与资源共享意识的并重是建设高等学校共享文化的四大策略。

【Abstract】 On the assumption that the share of curriculum resources is valid to improve the efficiency of higher education , the author indicates that the share of curriculum resources is the necessity for curriculum management reform under the background of higher education internationalization and informationalization. The aim of sharing curriculum resources among higher schools is to reduce curriculum cost and improve economic efficiency of education as well as to advance education quality.According to the different carriers, higher schools’ curriculum resources could be divided into 2 parts, i. e. the traditional curriculum resources and the internet curriculum resources. The former includes the traditional literature and data, the facility and establishment, human resources and the higherschool system , which can be shared by ILL(Interlibrary loan), tenancy, COP(Community of practice), and mutual engagement of teachers etc. Internet curriculum resources involve material wavehouse, internet courses, management system of teaching resources and the the current supporting roof of teaching system. These curriculum resources could be shared through internet, intranet, CD and software.Some developed countries had been attached importance to this reform for several years, and some special organizations had come into existence.They have definite orientation, complete functions, multiple investors, abundant and excellent resources, and mature system, which deserve our attention and should be taken for reference when we establish such organizations.As far as the management of this reform is concerned, the nation’ s policies, the consummation of related laws and multiple financing channels should be taken into consideration. Supervisors should know how toprogram, inspire and regulate the share of curriculum resources. The three principles of microcosmic management,i.e. filtration of curriculum resources are high quality, diversification and pertinency.Technique is a part of curriculum resources as well as necessary tool used to share curriculum resources.It consists of techniques used both in the management of sharing curriculum resources and the share of curriculum resources. Technique training and indraught of experts will do good to the exploitation of advanced techniques.In the last part, the author probes into the development of share culture. Openness, cooperation and innovation are the three main characters of share culture. Four strategies to develop share culture are raised at the end of the paper, i. e. emphasizing the support and demonstration by leaders, expressing share culture on regulations, making the share of curriculum resources more convenient and paying equal attention to the consciousness of exploiting curriculum resources and sharing curriculum resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G642.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1044