

【作者】 范冲

【导师】 邹峥嵘;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着地理信息技术的快速发展和日益成熟,地理信息系统也从最初的处理系统发展到空间决策支持信息系统。地理信息系统也在各行各业得到了广泛的应用。然而同时人们也发现在这一应用过程中许多地理信息系统达不到当初的设计要求或者分析处理的结果不符合实际情况。许多部门因此对地理信息系统持怀疑和反对的态度,他们撤回了对地理信息系统的投资。这些失败的地理信息应用系统案例不得不引起人们的关注。人们发现空间数据不确定性是导致地理信息系统失败的主要因素之一。 本文分析和研究了空间数据不确定性的来源,并且介绍了空间数据不确定性理论研究的发展历史和当前空间数据不确定性理论的最新成果,同时也介绍和研究了空间数据质量控制和评价的理论和方法。最后本文结合佛山市城市地下管线管理信息系统的研制开发,详细介绍了佛山市城市地下管线管理信息系统开发过程中碰到的管线空间数据不确定性问题和解决办法,并且编程实现了佛山市城市地下管线管理信息系统的数据核查模块。

【Abstract】 the development of technology of Geography information System ,G IS become more and more good and GIS is converted to Spatial Decision Support Information System from Processing System.GIS is used very widely by many departments of government and company.On then other hand , peopl e find some questions of GIS.For Example, some systems can not run to the aim which the system is designed for and Some Systems make mistaken concl usions.So many people and department oppose or question GIS.They say that they will not invest in GIS or they will withdraw from GIS.This situation of the failed Systems make people interest in it . People try to find out what is t he reason which make the system failing.finally , people find that the uncertai nty of spatial data is one of main reasons.Firstly, This paper study and analyse the source of the uncertainty of spatial data.and then this paper introduce the development history of it and th e new achievement about the theory of it.At the same time, this paper study and introduce the theory and method of Spatial Data quality control and Spatia 1 Data evaluation.At last ,with the develop of the Underground Pipeline Mana gement Information System of Foshan City this paper introduce the questions a nd solution of pipeline data quality in detail and program the data control mo del of The Uderground Pipeline Management Information System of Foshan Cit

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU990.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】246