

Comparative Study of Personal Financial Service between Local and Foreign Banks

【作者】 廖芝高

【导师】 金雪军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融全球化的发展,信息网络技术的广泛应用,大规模的银行合并浪潮,全球性的金融管制放松以及个人收入和财富的迅速增加,西方发达国家个人金融市场的迅速崛起,商业银行纷纷把个人金融作为银行业务发展的战略重点,个人金融业务得到快速发展,并成为银行盈利的主要来源。近年来我国个人金融业务发展也很快,但由于受国内市场环境影响,银行科技水平限制,个人金融业务的发展明显滞后。在这样的背景下,对国内外个人金融比较研究意义重大。本文试图从国内外银行个人金融业务比较研究入手,得出国外银行个人金融的竞争优势,指出国内银行个人金融存在的问题,并借鉴国外银行个人金融发展的经验,提出发展我国银行个人金融业务策略和应采取的措施。 本文结构框架由五部分构成。第一部分对个人金融业务及相关理论背景进行阐述;第二部分对国内银行个人金融业务状况和主要存在的问题进行剖析;第三部分主要回顾西方发达国家银行(主要是美国)个人金融发展的历史,分析其个人金融业务现状和特点,指出当前国际银行个人金融发展趋势;第四部分重点对西方发达国家银行个人金融业务与我国银行的个人金融业务进行深入比较分析,找出国外银行个人金融的优势和我们的劣势;第五部分探讨我国个人金融发展应该采取的措施和对策。

【Abstract】 With the globalization of financial service, information technology comes into wide use, more and more bank facilities are merged. Due to the releasing of financial regulations and rapid increasing of personal incoming and wealth, the personal financial service grew up rapidly in western countries. The commercial banks take personal financial service as a strategic emphasis and fasten the development of it. So personal financial service is now becoming main source of bank profits. In recent years, personal financial service in our country is also developing quickly. But for the influence of local market environment and restriction of low level banking technology, the development of local personal financial service is obviously much slower than that in foreign countries. Take such background into account, the comparative study of local and foreign personal financial service seems especially essential. The writer attempts to start with the compare of personal financial service in local and foreign banks. The composition makes out the advantages of foreign banks in this field while indicating the weakness of local banks. Under reference of experience of foreign banks, the writer brings forward some strategy and measure for the development of personal financial service in our country.This article is made up of five parts. The first part elaborates on personal financial service and the background of concerned theories . The Second part analyze on current conditions and weaknesses of PFS in local banks. The third part has a review on history of personal financial service in foreign banks (especially American banks), analyze their work processing and business characteristic, so to feature tendency of personal financial service in the world. In the fourth part, writer compares the development of personal financial service in local and foreign banks to figure out the advantages of them and weakness of ours. Furthermore, in the fifth section, the writer probes into countermeasures for our local banks to make up the difference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F831.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】747