

Analysis on the Efficiency of Commercial Banks’ Customer Manager System and Relevant Policies

【作者】 毛捷

【导师】 金雪军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 商业银行客户经理制是商业银行实施的一项新的制度革新,是实施银行市场营销战略的一种有效手段。客户经理作为银行与客户的中介,使银行与分散的客户之间建立起一个全面的、稳定的服务对应关系,促使银行的营销理念从“以产品为中心”提升到“以客户为中心”,并且促进了银行业更多地使用现代信息技术。在客户经理制中,客户经理通过推销金融产品、传递市场信息、收集和管理客户信息和为客户提供支持服务等,建立起银行与客户有效沟通的信息渠道,使银行和客户在互通的信息流动中实现各自的最大利益。 但是,客户经理制也存在弊端,如对银行业市场竞争有一定程度的抑制、增加了商业银行业务层与后台管理层之间的权限摩擦以及对客户经理激励约束条件提出了更高的要求等。因此,有必要研究客户经理制在我国金融市场中的优势和劣势,区分其对我国银行业发展的有利作用和不利影响。 本研究从商业银行客户经理制的有效性问题入手,在充分研究国内外相关文献的基础上,立足于国内银行业的实际情况,比较系统地分析了影响商业银行客户经理制有效性的各种因素,并结合实地调查数据,设计适合我国商业银行实际情况的客户经理制营销策划体系以及相关管理制度。本研究的成果表明,制度安排、营销理念、服务宗旨和营销手段等四个维度上存在的各种问题是影响商业银行客户经理制有效性的主要因素。为了提高客户经理制的有效性,充分发挥客户经理制的功能,避免或克服其不利影响,应该从以上这四个维度进行改革或改进,例如完善各项规章制度、提升营销理念、贯彻服务宗旨以及引入高效的营销手段等。

【Abstract】 The Customer Manager System of commercial banks, which is an institutional renovation in the banking system, is one of the most effective patterns for banks’ marketing. For instance, the customer managers, who act as the agency between banks and customers, help to establish an all-round and stable relationship between these two parties and trigger the promotion in the marketing concepts taken by the commercial banks. The system will also lead to banks’ more investments in modern information skills and equipment in order to facilitate customer managers’ work. Meanwhile, within the framework of the Customer Manager System, the effective information channels between banks and their customers can also be set up through customer managers’ professional services, such as marketing new financial products, delivering market news, collecting and managing individual information of customers and the like, which in turn help to maximize the benefits of both banks and customers.At the same time, however, there really exists evidence indicating that the Customer Manger System has its own disadvantages or shortcomings, such as restricting the market competition, fueling conflicts between bank’s market operators and background managers, putting more requirements on relevant institutions and the like. Therefore, it is quiet necessitous for us to find out what advantages and disadvantages of the system in China will have and make sense of its positive and negative influences on the development of China’s banking system. Focused on the efficiency of the Customer Manager System and on the basis of foreign and domestic literature, this thesis analyses systematically the main factors influencing the system’s efficiency. Meanwhile, with help of a field research and the data it provides, the paper also designs some relevant institutions for the successful operation of the system. Our results indicate that the main factors can be generally divided to four dimensions: arrangements of institutions, marketing concepts, service tenets and marketing tools. Therefore, reforms aimed at solving the problems existing in the above four dimensions should be taken into account, such as consummating basic institutions, improving the marketing concept, carrying through the service tenet, introducing high-efficiency marketing tools and the like.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】543