

Study on the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Based on State-owned Shares Lessening

【作者】 顾建东

【导师】 叶航;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以员工持股计划为研究对象,在总结美国经验和考察我国过去的实践和现状的基础上,对员工持股计划这一理论名词的概念、特点及其所具有的功能作用进行了理论上的归纳和总结,并结合国有股减持从多个角度探讨我国上市公司员工持股的意义,以及如何结合国有股减持进行这一制度的创新。在这一体系内,再来探讨当前中国发展员工持股计划的政策建议与操作方案。 全文分五部分: 第一部分从论述员工持股计划的产生开始,通过双因素经济理论、产权理论、人力资本理论、分享经济理论和制度经济学理论展开,对员工持股计划的合理性和必要性进行了理论解释。 第二部分首先对美国员工持股计划进行概念上的界定,明确其内涵,并对其产生发展的理论背景、历史背景进行了分析。从而在整体上、理论上对其有一种宏观上的认识和把握。然后对美国员工持股计划的种类、运作结构及其作为一种制度安排所具有的功能作用进行归纳总结,探究其一般特征及其背后的制度原因,并在此基础上对其进行评价与思考。 第三部分首先对我国企业内部员工持股进行历史考察,在与美国员工持股对比研究的基础上,分析员工持股计划在上市公司存在的问题。进而从社会保障改革、产权改革、国有经济布局调整、公司治理四个方面论述了中国上市公司建立员工持股计划的意义和作用。 第四部分将员工持股计划与国有股减持结合起来进行理论研究。首先结合国有股减持的现状,提出员工持股计划是当前国有股减持的一种可行方式,然后分别从三个方面论述了员工持股计划在协同推进国有股减持与完善社会保障制度、股权激励、公司治理改革的意义和作用。并由此提出员工持股计划在当前对国有股减持可实现一举多赢效果的结论。 第五部分在前几部分的基础上,分析当前中国实施员工持股计划的障碍与面临的问题,提出相关政策建议。最后提出员工持股计划与国有股减持结合实施的操作方案和实施中应注意的有关问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis dwells on the Employee Stock Ownership Plan. On the basis of marking comparison, it summarizes theoretically the concept, characteristics, nature and functions of the ESOP. Combining State-owned shares lessening, it expounds the significance of reestablish the ESOP of China and how to innovate this institution from various points of view. In this system, this paper probes into the police propose and the operate project.The paper includes five parts:Part 1 dwells firstly on the produce of the ESOP, then through the expounds of five theories to explain the rational and necessary of the ESOP . these theories are the theory of double-unit economics, the theory of property right, the theory of human capital, the theory of institutional economics, the theory of share economics.Part 2 defines a number of important theoretical problems about the ESOP of USA for the sake of understanding and grasping it. Then summarizes the varieties, operate frameworks and functions of the ESOP of USA ,researches into its character and system causes. On the basis of this, this part appraises and reflects it.Part 3 dwells firstly on the history of ESOP that develops in China. Then by making comparison with the American ESOP, the thesis analyses the problems of ESOP which exist in the company. Secondly, the thesis expounds theinfluence and the function of ESOP for the company from four aspects including the reform of social security system, enterprises’ property right, the regulation of economic distribution, the governance of the company and so on.Part 4 make a research by combining the ESOP and the State-owned shares lessening. In the first place, the author puts forward that now State-owned shares lessening is a feasible program by introducing the status quo of State-owned shares lessening. In the second place, the author draws a conclusion that ESOP has positive influences on the State-owned shares lessening and the establishment of social security system, the property right promoting, the reform of enterprise governance. At last, the author wants to prove that ESOP can bring many satisfactory results for State-owned shares lessening.Part 5 based on the discussion above, analyses the problems and difficulties facing with us when putting ESOP into practice and gives his countermeasures. At last, the author reminds us to key an eye on the ESOP and State-owned shares lessening are implemented at the same time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F271
  • 【下载频次】319