

Research on Biomass Flash Pyrolysis and Utilization of Pyrolysis Products

【作者】 王栋

【导师】 高翔; 王树荣; 方梦祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 工程热物理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 生物质能源的开发利用是缓解我国能源和环境压力,建立可持续发展能源系统的有效措施,其中,生物质热裂解技术由于可以将低品位的生物质能转化为高品质的液体燃料或者高附加值的化工原料而受到广泛关注,它不仅有利于改善我国目前广大农村地区商品能源紧张的局面,提高农村生物质能的利用效率,为农村地区因地制宜地提供清洁方便能源,而且有利于改善我国目前以化石燃料为主的能源生产和消费结构。基于此目的,本文对生物质热解机理以及生物质热解产物的综合利用进行了系统的研究。 本文首先对生物质利用意义、利用方式以及国内外生物质能利用现状和未来的发展趋势进行了归纳总结,并对生物质热裂解领域的研究进展进行了详细阐述。 然后在热辐射加热机理反应器上,全面研究了片状白松热裂解气体、生物油和焦炭产物随辐射源温度、气相停留时间、物料厚度等反应条件的影响规律;同时对比研究了生物质主要组分纤维素的热解规律,为深入了解生物质热裂解的机理提供了坚实的基础。 本文采用气相色谱与红外光谱仪联用(GC-FTIR)对以生物质为原料的生物油成分进行了分析,同时使用色质联机(GC-MS)分析以纤维素为原料的生物油组分,分析了工况参数对生物油特性的影响规律,指出生物油因其组分繁多复杂、含氧量高,需进一步改性后才可使用。并分析得出生物质的不同组分对于生物油成分的贡献各不相同。 生物质热解固体产物焦炭的产量在20%左右,本文对不同工况下焦炭特性进行了分析,并对通过活化处理使热解炭孔隙结构得到充分发展以获得附加值更高的产品进行了试验研究,结果发现CO2活化后焦炭的比表面积由原来的7.449m2/g增加到768.3m2/g,具有作为制备吸附活性炭的原料的潜力。 在改进的机理试验台上研究了生物质的另一主要组分木质素的热解规律,着重研究了温度对其热解规律的影响;采用GC-FTIR分析了木质素热解油的主要组分及其相对含量;对比纤维素热裂解试验结果,纤维素对裂解油的生成贡献最大,而木质素主要是生成轻质气体和焦碳。 本文最后考虑到生物质热解气体产物的深层次利用,提出了利用热解气体中的H2和CO采用一步法来合成制取具有多种用途的可燃性气体二甲醚(DME);对合成气制取二甲醚进行了初步的经济性分析发现DME在替代动力燃料方面具有很大潜力;并在自行开发的浆态床合成二甲醚试验台上进行了初步的试验研究,为以后进一步的试验研究提供了参考。

【Abstract】 The exploit and utilization of biomass energy is an effective method for relieving the pressures of conventional energy resources shortage and environment pollution in China. Biomass pyrolysis technology which can convert low-quality biomass to higher quality liquid fuel or high add-value chemical material have been pay great attention. It can not only relieve the demand press of power fuel and improve the using efficiency of biomass energy in China rural area, but also can improve the structure of china energy. According to this purpose, a systemic mechanism research on the biomass pyrolysis and the utilization of the pyrolysis products has been carried out.First of all, an introduction of current state of biomass utilization and the future development trend was given., then the development and current research of biomass pyrolysis were introduced.A series of experiments about white-pine pyrolysis were carried out in a glass reactor. The effect of temperature, residence time and the height of sample on the pyrolysis products distributions was investigated. This research results provided the foundation for the mechanism analysis of biomass pyrolysis.The determination of the chemical composition of bio-oil from white-pine was performed according to GC-FTIR analysis, on the other hand, the compositon of bio-oil from cellulose pyrolysis was analyzed by GC-MS. The effect of the process parameters on the character of bio-oil was investigated. The results showed that the further upgrading of bio-oil was necessary because of some undesired characteristics such as high oxygen content.The char yield of biomass pyrolysis was about 20wt%, and the characteristic of the char was analyzed. Char activations were studied in this paper, the BET of the char was increased from 7.449m2/g to 768.3m2/g after the activation process with CO2 activating agent, so the char with the activation process has the potential as the raw material of the active carbon production.Experimental research on lignin flash pyrolysis was carried out on our bench unit, whose heat was supplied by infrared radiation. The effect of temperature on the pyrolysis product yield was investigated. The components of the tar, which was produced from lignin, were determined by GC-FTIR.Compared with experimental result based on cellulose pyrolysis, cellulose contributed the most part into tar production from biomass, however, lignin would produce gas and char rather than tar.Considering the further utilization of the gas product of biomass pyrolysis, the paper put forward that the production of DME was achieved through the one-step method using the hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which were obtained from the gas products. The economic . analysis of the production of DME by synthesis gas was studied. The experiment on the production of DME using synthesis gas were carried out, and the results provided reference material for the further research.

【关键词】 生物质热裂解纤维素木质素二甲醚
【Key words】 biomasspyrolysiscelluloseligninDME
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TK6
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】1563