

The Narrative Structure of Silas Marner

【作者】 郝一昌

【导师】 张金霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以加拿大文学理论家和批评家诺思洛普·弗莱的神话原型批评理论为指导,以英国小说家乔治·艾略特的小说《织工马南传》为研究对象,主要对《织工马南传》中的叙事结构加以分析,进而揭示其叙事结构的特点及其象征意义,以便加深对作品深层意义的理解。神话原型批评理论的代表是弗莱。他们把神话作为文学的本原,试图通过发现文学作品中反复出现的意象、叙事结构和人物类型,并在神话中寻找其原型,并将这些原型应用于对作品的分析和评价。而作为其代表,弗莱提出了《圣经》中运用了U型叙事结构这一原型,成为对《织工马南传》的叙事结构进行研究的切入点。通过将小说与其原型《圣经》相对照,可以发现在小说《织工马南传》中,乔治·艾略特也使用了与《圣经》类似的U型叙事结构,这主要体现在两个方面,其一为小说中主人公塞拉斯·马南人生经历中的U型结构,其二为小说中另一人物戈德夫雷人生经历中的U型结构,使用了《圣经》中的“回头浪子”这一原型。而塞拉斯·马南身上的U型结构又可以细分为三个层次:即物质生活环境和条件的U型经历,精神生活状态包括宗教信仰上的U型历程以及塞拉斯·马南其个人在社会交往和人际关系上的U型变化。《织工马南传》叙事结构中的这种特点表现出独特的象征意义,主要包括三个方面。从宗教方面上说,塞拉斯·马南宗教信仰上的U型历程反映了乔治·艾略特类似的历程,表达了她既反对仪式性的、虚伪的表面宗教,又对宗教对人的教育作用抱有信心的复杂态度。从道德伦理方面看,小说中的这种U型结构表现了作家借助小说来惩恶扬善、劝喻世人的想法,表现在小说中流露出的因果报应思想和博爱精神。另外从整个人性角度看,U型结构使塞拉斯·马南的U型经历具有象征性意义,与整个人类的命运紧密相连。塞拉斯·马南靠人与人之间的纯真的关爱走出了困境,人类也只有靠真诚的关爱才能获得拯救,走向乐园。 本文第一章引言简单介绍了近年来中外学者对乔治·艾略特及其《织工马南传》的部分评论。第二章介绍了本文的理论基础,即神话一原型批评理论。第三章分析了《织工马南传》中的U型叙事结构。第四章中分析了这种结构所包含的象征意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis, on the basis of the mytho-archetypical criticism of Northrop Frye, the Canadian critic and theoretician, taking Silas Marner written by English novelist, George Eliot, as the object of study, mainly analyzes the narrative structure of Silas Marner, so as to reveal the characteristic of this structure and its symbolical meaning, in order to deepen the understanding of the significance of the novel.Northrop Frye is the representative of the mytho-archetypical criticism. They regard the myths as the origin of literature, tries to discover the repeatedly appeared images, narrative structures and character types in literary works, and to find archetypes for them in the myths, applying these archetypes to then analysis of the works. As its main representative, Northrop Frye put forward the archetype of U-shaped narrative structure employed in the Bible, providing a new approach to study the narrative structure of Silas Marner. In contrast to its archetype, the Bible, George Eliot in Silas Marner also used the U-shaped narrative structure similar to that in the Bible. It can be seen in two aspects. One is the U-shaped structure in the life experience of Silas Marner, the protagonist; the other is the U-shaped structure in the life experience of Godfrey, adopted the archetype of the Prodigal Son in the Bible. Whereas the U-shaped structure in Silas Marner’s case can be subdivided into three sub-structures: the U-shaped experience in his material living condition, in his spiritual world, including his religion belief, and at last, in the changes of Silas Marner’s social status and his relationship with the community. This characteristic of the narrative structure of Silas Marner has some special symbolical meaning, mainly reflected in three aspects. First, the U-shaped experience of Silas Marner in his religious belief reflected the similar experience of George Eliot, showing that she objected the superficial, ceremonial, hypocrite religion, while still held hope in the educational function of religious emotion. In morality, the U-shaped structure reflected the novelist’s idea to teach the people by the thought of retribution and fraternity. In the respect of humanity, U-shaped structure gives the experience of Silas Marner some universal appeal. The humankind could only gain their salvation and return to the Paradise by the pure, innocent love for others.In the first chapter, it summaries recent comments on the novel, both in China and abroad. The second chapter introduces the theoretical basis of the thesis, the myth-archetypical criticism. The third chapter analyzes in details the U-shaped structure employed in Silas Marner. The fourth chapter deals with the symbolical meaning of the structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】565