
妙笔藏深机 拨云见明月

A Ray of Light Through the Clouds

【作者】 段庆春

【导师】 张金霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 对《失乐园》的争论的根源在于对于作品尤其是对撒旦形象不同的解读或“误读”。弥尔顿既旨在“证明上帝于人之公正性”,为什么却把撒旦描绘得如此高大光辉?这无疑是对上帝绝对权威的挑战。这种大逆不道给弥尔顿招来了猛烈的批评。那么弥尔顿的真正意图是什么? 要拨开关于失乐园主题纷扰杂乱的迷雾,就必须走出文本,进入更宽广的视野。本文基于文本,结合17世纪大背景下的政治、文化及宗教等因素,深入探索弥尔顿创作的两大主要思想渊源:基督教清教传统及文艺复兴人文主义思想传统,得出这样的结论:弥尔顿之所以在篇章之初把撒旦的形象描写的辉煌伟大,不是为了把他当成一个英雄来颂扬,而是为了与之后的亚当即人来对比,凸显人的优秀品质并阐释正确的人与上帝关系。 但弥尔顿确实在《失乐园》中赋予撒旦以极大的笔墨渲染,这在无形中造成了一个事实,即撒旦确实是一个事实性的英雄。精神分析学对于作家创作心理的分析为这一看似矛盾的文学现象提供了阐释。17世纪英国革命的挫败使弥尔顿的“志”受到压抑,只能通过间接的文学形式得以补偿,他在描绘撒旦时的精彩投入使自己也陷了进去,而他本人也正是依靠他自己所创造的撒旦精神,与命运做不屈不挠的抗争,才得以完成并出版这部鸿篇巨制。

【Abstract】 The controversies on Paradise Lost derive from different interpreting or misunderstanding of the work, especially of the image of Satan. It seems incomprehensible when Milton pronounces that he is to justify the ways of God to man while depicting Satan as a brilliant hero, which is a bold challenge of God’s supreme authority in a Christianity-oriented society, and by which Milton has invited fierce criticism ever since its publication.The readers have long been puzzled by the author’s true intention. To unravel this problem, we must look beyond the text and into a wider horizon. A literary work should be interpreted in the context of the social and cultural reality in which it is written so as to get a better and specific understanding. An examination of the two great traditions which influence Milton will render this conclusion sensible: that Milton intends to carve a relief of Man against Satan and prescribe a proper relationship of Man and God.But Milton does create a factual hero out of Satan through his brilliant description. A psychoanalysis of the authors’ creation throws a light into this apparent paradox. The failure of the English Revolution thwarted Milton’s political and religious ambition. To relieve his mental repression, he channeled his energy into the composition of Paradise Lost. He is compensated of his repressed ambition by creating and identifying with the character Satan. It is the rebellious and unyielding spirit of Satan that upholds him to fight against fate and complete his monumental epic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I106.4
  • 【下载频次】512