

A Research on the Constructive Path to the Culture of Chinese Enterprise in the New Era

【作者】 霍丙森

【导师】 高树军;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪七、八十年代,为了解释在技术设备、经济实力、人员素质、管理水平等方面均领先世界的美国企业,在竞争力、企业绩效等方面却落后于竞争对手尤其是日本企业这一现象时,诞生了一种崭新的理论,即企业文化。经过二十多年的理论研究和实践,企业文化在其定义和内容结构方面,已经形成了相对稳定的认识:企业文化是指企业全体员工在长期的创业和发展过程中培育形成并共同遵守的最高目标、价值标准、基本信念及行为规范。它是企业理念形态文化、制度(行为)形态文化和物质形态文化的有机复合体。我国的企业文化建设经历了早期的实践和八十年代第一次热潮,在成功和失败中积累了一些经验,但无论从理论层面还是实践层面,都还不够系统、成熟,尤其在如何适应新时期要求和企业文化理论中国化方面的一些关键问题,比如传统文化对中国企业文化建设的影响,具有中国特点企业文化的内容以及我国企业文化建设路径等方面的研究还很薄弱,这对我国企业文化的建设是不利的,而且与新时期的要求也有较大差距。 在这一背景下,本文力图从企业文化的理论沿革和内容结构入手,通过分析中国企业文化的实践及贡献,新时期对我国企业文化建设思路转变的要求和对中国企业文化建设起关键作用的影响因素,提出建设以富强中华的共同理想、以人为本的管理思想、开拓创新的变革精神、合法求利的效益观念、艰苦奋斗的优良传统、走向世界的战略眼光等六大理念为核心的企业文化,并结合转变要求和影响因素,提出了以“领导人文化”建设为切入点,通过强化的、有针对性的管理行为建设中国企业文化的路径。 当然,企业文化无论其理论内涵还是实践过程,都要形成一整套体系完整、内容丰富、具有很强操作性的系统,才能够对企业有普遍的指导意义,但是如果能够针对存在的问题,抓住其中某些主要的因素进行分析,并提出解决思路,相信至少可以在现阶段对我国企业文化建设具有一定的指导作用。这也正是笔者进行研究的目的和意义所在。

【Abstract】 A span-new theory, Enterprise Culture, which was to explain the phenomena that America enterprise with the advanced technique equipment, abundant economic strength, and high level of personnel diathesis and management had lagged behind their competitors especially Japanese Corporations, was formed in the seventies to eighties of the twentieth century. After more than 20 years, the enterprise culture has evolved to a steady systemic theory in the definition and content through academic research and practices. The definition of enterprise culture is the highest goal, value standard, basic belief and behavior, which a group of coworkers are used to interact with each other and have been accepted by the people. It is an organic complex of enterprise conception, system and matter. There were a number of experience on building Chinese enterprise culture due to the early practices and the first upsurge in the eighties, however, it is not systematic and ripe on both theory and practice, especially on some key-questions that were caused by the requests of new period and Chinese characteristic. For example, it is still weaker in these researches on the affluence of traditional culture, the theory with Chinese feature and the path to construct Chinese enterprise culture, which will negative impact on the construction in Chinese enterprise culture, furthermore have obviously gap in requirement of New Economic Age.Based on this background, the essay analysis practice and contribution on establishing enterprise culture by Chinese corporations, the conversion of thought way due to the request of new period and other important factors, and suggest the enterprise culture should have six core conceptions: the same ideal to develop china, the management based on human being, the spirits of innovation, the conception on obtaining the profit by the legal way, the excellent tradition with hard struggle and the strategic foresight with globalization. Moreover, according to the requests and affective elements the author also indicated the primary settlement is to set up "leader culture"as the centers , then to construct enterprise culture through strengthening and aimed management.In fact, it needs an integrated and abundant system not only in the theory but also in practice so that it can provide general guidance on the industry development. Whereas, if we aim at the problems and analyze the main factors, then point out the solutions, it will have instructive effect on establishment of Chinese enterprise culture at present. That is the purpose and significance of author’s research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】484