

Comparison of the Universal Banking in the USA & Germany and the Choice of China

【作者】 刘从军

【导师】 康书生;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在当前经济金融全球化的大环境中,世界各国金融体系的全球化扩展形成金融全球化的主流。经济、金融发展和科技进步,推动着全能银行全球化的进程。以美国和德国为首的很多西方国家都以不同的方式大力发展各种形态的全能银行,以提高其银行业在国际金融市场的竞争力。尤其是20世纪90年代末以来,以银行跨业、跨国购并为主旋律的第五次全球购并浪潮的兴起,产生了一个又一个超级大型跨国全能银行,如花旗、汇丰、德意志等等,分支网络遍及全球各地。而国内的发展步伐虽然也在加快,金融控股型全能银行已初露端倪,但在分业经营、分业监管的大格局限制下,仍然有内外两重天的感觉。现在中国已经正式成为WTO成员国,全能银行的全球化趋势会给逐步开放的中国金融体系和金融市场带来强烈冲击,中国银行业只能顺应历史潮流,发展全能银行,此外别无选择,但是中国全能银行的发展仍然面临一个路径选择的问题。 全能银行从大的方面可以分为两种类型:一种是德国式全能银行,即内部综合经营型全能银行;另一种是美国式全能银行,即金融控股型全能银行。两种全能银行的产生和发展路径不同,组织结构和监管方式也有很大区别。本文对美国式全能银行和德国式全能银行这两种全能银行的典型代表加以研究,通过对两种类型全能银行的内涵、产生与发展、组织结构、监管方式等进行比较,得出两者各具特色,分别具有各自的优势和劣势,并且近年来呈现相互融合趋势的结论。比较结果对于中国实践具有重要的借鉴意义,中国全能银行会由金融控股型全能银行开始最终走向内部综合经营型与金融控股型全能银行并举。在组织结构方面会由H型结构开始发展到兼收并蓄H型与M型两种组织结构的优势,呈现多样化趋势。中国对全能银行的监管也会随着全能银行的形成和发展进程加速改革,向国际规则和惯例靠拢,实现功能性统一监管。

【Abstract】 Under the condition of economic and financial globalization, the global extending of financial system has become the mainstream all over the world. The developments of economics, finance, science and technology promote the development of universal banking system. Many western countries represented by the USA and Germany are striving to develop universal banking of various forms in different ways in order to enhance the competition power of their banks in the international financial market. Especially from the end of the 1990s, along with the rising of the fifth tide of global merger and acquisition, many super international universal banks such as the Citycorp, HSBC, Deutsche Bank and so on whose branch networks extend all over the world appear. But in China, although the banks are speeding up their development and reform, and some financial holding companies have emerged in China, we still have a long way to go compared with the western countries. The globalization trend of universal banking will inevitably have a great influence on China that is a regular member of the WTO and is opening step by step, which make China has no other choice but develop universal banking. But China still has to decide which way to go.Universal banks can be divided into two types on the whole: one is the universal banking of financial holding company represented by the universal banks in the USA, the other is the universal banking of unified interior management represented by the universal banks in Germany. The cause and route of development of these two types of universal banks are different, and their organization structure and supervision mode differ from each other greatly. This article studies these two types of universal banks, and draw the conclusion that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages and they are becoming more and more identical these years. We can learn a lot from it and find the right way for our country to develop universal banking. I think China shouldbegin with the financial holding company and in the future both types may exist in China. In the respect of organization structure, China may adopt the advantages of both H-type and M-type organization structure and diversify its own. In addition to this, the supervision of banking in China should also speed up its reform along with the development of universal banking, draw close to the international rules and conventions and achieve the centralized functional supervision at last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F831.2;F832
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】507