

The Study on the Problem of Ideological and Political Education in the Rural Areas in the Social Transitional Period

【作者】 赖光宝

【导师】 张套锁;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 农村思想政治工作是农村经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线。长期以来,中国共产党十分重视农村思想政治工作,也正是凭借这一政治优势,党领导农民在革命和建设中取得了一个又一个胜利。1978年党的十一届三中全会拉开了中国现代化建设的序幕,吹响了改革开放的新号角,中国开始进入了由计划经济向市场经济过渡的转型时期。在转型期内,随着市场经济的日益发展和改革开放水平的逐步提高,人们的社会环境、生活方式和道德观念发生了巨大变化。农村思想政治工作面临着经济成分多样化、社会生活分散化、村级组织功能弱化、农民角色逐步分化以及国际环境复杂化的冲击,存在一些亟需解决的问题。具体表现在:思想政治工作的“生命线”地位遭到削弱;组织领导弱化;物质保障不力;思想政治工作的针对性、实效性与实际需要不符。这些问题的出现严重影响了农村思想政治工作的有效开展,并从实际上阻碍了农村现代化建设。为了有效地解决农村思想政治工作存在的问题,确实恢复农村思想政治工作在农村工作中的“生命线”地位,我认为必须坚持实事求是、与时俱进的思想路线,紧密联系农民群众的利益,在各级党组织的坚强领导下,采取系统的思维方法来分析这些问题,找出解决问题的有效办法,从而推动我国农村思想政治工作健康发展。

【Abstract】 Ideological and political education in the rural areas is the lifeline of economy and other work in rural areas. The third plenum of the llth Central Plenary in 1978 revealed the prologue of our modernization construction, and China began a transitional period from planned economy to market economy. With the development of market economy and improvement of reform and opening, people’s social environment, living style and moral ideas change a lot. Ideological And Political Education in the Rural Areas is influenced by diversity of economic factors, dispersion of social life, avianization of the village-level-organization’s function, division of peasants’ roles and complication of the international situation. There are some questions in bed need to be solved: the position as "lifeline" is weakened, the organization’s leadership is avianized, the material guarantee is not effective, the aims and effects are not up to the reality requirements.I believe, to solve these problems effectively, we must adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with times, and tightly connect the peasants’ interests. Under the leadership of Party organizations at levels, guided by systematic thinking method, we should take the following measures: from the angle of leadership, to strengthen the construction of Party’s organizations, and to give play to the exemplary role of Party members and cadres; from the angle of position, to strengthen the education and propaganda of the position of ideological and political education in the rural areas, and to further strengthen the awareness of "lifeline"; from the angle of content, in accordance with new changes and problems, to develop effective ideological and political education; from the angle of method, to adopt colorful and effective methods which are easy to be received by peasants, so as to construct a perfect guarantee system for the effective development of ideological and political education in the rural areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】308