

Studies on the Improvement of International Competitive Capability of Agricultural Products in Fujian

【作者】 林清山

【导师】 郑金贵; 潘弘图;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和农业国际化的发展,特别是中国加入WTO后,国内和国际农产品市场联系更加紧密,我国的农业生产不仅面临着国内资源和市场束缚的压力,而且还面临着国际资源和市场束缚的压力,我省农产品出口面临着越来越严峻的形势。 本文应用发展经济学的比较优势理论对我省的资源禀赋进行分析,采用竞争力指数法作为比较优势模型计算我省主要农产品的竞争力指数,以此来分析它们的国际竞争力大小。农产品国际竞争力是指一个国家(或地区)的农产品参与国际市场竞争并能够持续获取利润的能力。它的影响因素有:价格、质量、比较优势的变化状况及营销体系等。随着生活水平的提高,特别是发达国家的人民对农产品的质量提出了越来越高的要求,现阶段农产品的质量已经成为影响国际竞争力的最主要因素,技术性贸易壁垒已成为扩大我省农产品出口的最大障碍。 本文从我省人多地少、劳动力资源丰富的资源禀赋出发,对近几年来几种主要农产品国际竞争力进行分析研究,得出了在入世后新的国际环境中我省的水果、蔬菜、茶叶、水产品、食用菌、花卉等劳动密集型农产品具有比较优势,谷物、饲料等土地密集型农产品不具有比较优势的结论。 本文从落实农产品出口促进政策,建立和完善农业支持和保护体系,按比较优势原则处理好粮经关系、调整好农业产业结构,大力发展特色农产品,因地制宜发展设施农业,提高农产品质量安全水平,加快培育外向型农业龙头企业,抓好农产品出口基地建设,加强农产品中介服务组织建设,拓展多元化国际市场等方面提出了提高福建农产品国际竞争力的二项行政对策和八项技术对策。

【Abstract】 Along with economic globalization and agricultural internationalization, especially after China’s WTO entry, the connection between domestic and international agricultural product markets is closer, and China’s agricultural production is confronted with the pressure of resource and market restrictions at home and abroad, and Fujian agricultural product export is now in a more and more difficult situation.In this paper, Fujian resource conditions are analyzed by application of the comparative advantage theory in developmental economics, and the competitiveness index method is adopted as a comparative advantage model to calculate the competitiveness indices of Fujian major agricultural products, so as to analyze their international competitiveness. The international competitiveness of agricultural products means the ability of the agricultural products in a country (or region) to participate in international market competition and keep making profits, and its influence factors are price, quality, change of comparative advantages and marketing system,etc. With the raise of living standards, especially in developed nations, people demand higher and higher levels in the quality of agricultural products. Therefore, at present, the quality of agricultural products has become a key factor to affect their international competitiveness, and in fact, the Technical Barrier to Trade has turned to be the greatest impediment against the expansion of Fujian agricultural product export.In this paper, based on the conditions of large population but little land, and abundant labour resources in Fujian Province, the international competitiveness of several major agricultural products in recent years was analyzed. It is concluded that in the new international environment after WTO entry, the labour-intensive agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, tea ,aquatic products, edible fungi and flowers of Fujian have comparative advantages, while the land-intensive agricultural products such as grains and feeds have no comparative advantage.In the regards of implementing the policy to promote agricultural products export, establishing and perfecting support and protection system of agriculture, dealing properly with cereals and cash crop and adjusting industry structure of agriculture according to the comparative advantage principle, developing agricultural products with regional features, developing facility agriculture adaptation to local condition, raising the level of quality assurance of agricultural products, accelerating the development of the out-going agricultural leading enterprises, well-building the base for agricultural products export, well-managing the brokerage for agricultural products, and developing multiplied international markets, the two administrative countermeasures and eight technological countermeasures to enhance international competitiveness of Fujian agricultural products are proposed.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】6
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