

Study on the Structure of Phyllostachys Heterocycla Mixed Forest and Selection of Associated Tree Species for Phyllostachys Heterocycla

【作者】 陈睿

【导师】 洪伟; 吴承祯;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 根据毛竹混交林群落生态学调查资料,应用主分量排序及动态聚类将福建天宝岩自然保护区内120个天然及半天然毛竹混交林样地划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个不同的立地类型组。不同立地类型组的海拔、腐殖质层及坡向等各主要立地因子存在着显著的差异。 应用群落重要值及物种多样性研究不同立地类型毛竹混交林群落的乔木层结构,结果表明不同立地类型毛竹混交林群落乔木层树种的分布格局存在着较明显的差异;物种多样性、生态优势度及群落均匀度存在着较大的差异;阴坡较阳坡、低山较中山更适于混交林中不同物种的共存;低山较中山更适于毛竹的生长。 根据生态种组原理,应用Fuzzy聚类方法选择毛竹适宜的伴生树种。结果表明:Ⅰ立地类型组毛竹适宜的伴生树种为丝栗栲、拟赤杨、枫香:Ⅱ立地类型组毛竹适宜的伴生树种为木荷:Ⅲ立地类型组毛竹适宜的伴生树种为丝栗栲、木荷、枫香、拟赤杨、杨梅:Ⅳ立地类型组毛竹适宜的伴生树种为木荷、枫香。能成为合适的毛竹伴生树种一般都具有以下几个特点:①适应性强,能在一般立地条件下生长:②根系强大,具有较好的水源涵养、水土保持:⑨高大通直,位于混交林的上层,有利于提高毛竹的抗雪压、冰挂的能力;④具有根瘤菌或菌根菌的固N树种或落叶性树种,有利于提高土壤肥力;⑤抗逆性强,与毛竹无共同病虫害。 混交林中毛竹及其伴生树种的多维生态位宽度与生态位重叠间存在着一定的正相关关系。多维生态位较宽的物种,其与毛竹的多维生态位重叠也较大。具有较大多维生态位宽度的伴生树种,如木荷、丝栗栲等适合于在多种立地条件下与毛竹混交;而具有较窄的多维生态位宽度的伴生树种,如杨梅等仅适合于在特定立地条件下与毛竹混交,如杨梅仅在Ⅲ立地类型组才适宜与毛竹混交。 不同立地类型毛竹混交林中各伴生树种间总体上不存在显著关联,各伴生树种两两间存在着较微弱的正关联或负关联,这主要是由于混交林中各物种的竞争力差别及毛竹的生物学特性造成的。应用Fuzzy聚类方法选择的不同立地类型组毛竹适宜伴生树种,其与毛竹的关联指数均存在着显著的关联性。 毛竹及伴生树种在混交林中的分布方式各有不同。不同立地类型组中毛竹均呈聚集型分布,不同度毛竹以聚集型分布为主;毛竹适宜的伴生树种以随机型分布为主。物种在混交林群落中的分布方式,取决于多种因素,综合不同立地类型各物种空间分布格局认为在营造毛竹混交林中,伴生树种的栽种因呈随机分布。 合理的确定毛竹及其适宜伴生树种的经营密度是实现毛竹可持续经营的关键。应用半峰宽原理测定的结果表明:Ⅰ立地类型组、Ⅱ立地类型组、Ⅲ立地类型组、Ⅳ立地类型组毛竹混交林适宜的伴生树种最佳的经营密度分别是209株/hm~2、158株/hm~2、223株/hm~2、271株/hm~2,毛竹适宜的经营密度分别是1031株/hm~2~2904株/hm~2、2034株/hm~2~4055株/hm~2、1107株/hm~2~2688株/hm~2、710株/hm~2~2064株/hm~2。毛竹混交林结构及其伴生树种选择研究

【Abstract】 According to the information of community ecology, 120 plots in the natural or half-natural Phyllostachys heterocy mixed forests were divided into four groups of site type which were respectively named I site type, II site type. III site type and IV site type in Tian Baoyang Natural Reserve in Fujian, by using principle analysis and dynamic cluster. Main site factors in different groups of site type existed obvious difference, for instance the altitude, the thickness of humus layer and the slope.The structure of the arbor layer in Phyllostachys heterocycla mixed forests was studied by using important value and species diversity in different groups of site type. The results showed that the structure of the arbor layer in different groups of site type had quite obvious difference; the community species diversity, community evenness and ecological dominance were different; many species coexisted better on shade slope than sunny slope and in lower mountain than middle mountain; Phyllostachys heterocycla grew better in lower mountain than middle mountain.The optimal associated tree was selected by means of Fuzzy Cluster based ecological species group’s theory. The research indicated that Castanopsis fargesii, Alniphyllum fortunei and Liquidambar formosana were selected for I site type; Schima superba was selected for II site type; Castanopsis fargesii, Alniphyllum fortunei, Liquidambar formosana, Schima superba and Myricaca rubra were selected for HI site type; Liquidambar formosana and Schima superba were selected for IV site type. In a word, the optimal associated tree commonly possesses several characteristics: (1) its adaptability is strong so that the optimal associated tree is able to vegetate on the common conditions; (2)its mightiness root system can protect waterhead and conserve soil and water; (3) tall and straight tree which stands the superstratum of the mixed forest is propitious to enhance Phyllostachys heterocycla’s capbility which withstands the pressure of snow and the gravity of ice; (4) the rhizobium tree or hardwood is propitious to increase the fertility of the soil; (5) the optimal associated tree has strong resistence and hasn’t the same plant diseases and insect pests with Phyllostachys heterocycla.There was positive correlation between muli-niche breadth niche and multi-niche overlap on a certain degree between Phyllostachys heterocycla and its associated tree in themixed forest. Associated tree had rather broad muli-niche breadth niche and then its multi-niche overlap had rather big. Phyllostachys heterocycla associated tree which held rather broad muli-niche breadth was fitted for being planted with Phyllostachys heterocycla on the different site types, for example Castanopsis fargesii and Schima superba. Phyllostachys heterocycla’s associated tree which held rather narrow broad muli-niche breadth was fitted for being planted with Phyllostachys heterocycla on the special site type, for example Myricaca rubra.Associated tree’s different competition and Phyllostachys heterocycld’s biological characteristic brought disremarktable association as a whole in different groups of site type and association between two associated tree exists rather feebleness positive or negative association. Phyllostachys heterocycla and the optimal associated tree which was selected by means of Fuzzy Cluster existed remarkable association.The spatial distribution patterns of Phyllostachys heterocycla and its associated tree’s were different. The spatial distribution patterns of Phyllostachys heterocycla were an aggregated pattern. The main spatial distribution patterns of the different age’s Phyllostachys heterocycla were an aggregated pattern. The main spatial distribution patterns of associated tree were random distribution. The spatial distribution patterns of these species lay multi-factor. Synthetized and analyzed the spatial distribution patterns in the Phyllostachys heterocycla mixed forests, Phyllostachys heterocycla associated tree should be planted by random distribution during constructing th

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