

The Design and Research of XML-Based Database Middleware System

【作者】 徐光美

【导师】 程耕国;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 软件体系结构中,异构结构趋势越来越明显。中间件的发展为异构结构匹配提供了新的思路,其中数据库中间件是所有中间件中应用最广泛、技术最成熟的一种。它能有效地屏蔽对不同数据库系统的访问方法和用户接口,为用户提供一个访问异构平台的分布式数据库的公共接口。选择合适的数据库中间件能够有效提高系统的性能,提高软件系统的开发效率和软件系统的可靠性,降低软件系统开发的复杂度。 本文从用户(例如企业)和软件工程技术两个角度对软件工程实施过程中普遍存在的一个问题进行了分析,阐述了数据库中间件技术产生的必然性,并分析了数据库中间件技术的发展现状以及几种数据库中间件各自的局限性。然后借鉴已有的数据库中间件的设计思想并从实际的用户需求出发,分析了理想的数据库中间件系统应该具有的几个基本特征。基于这些特征,本文提出了数据库中间件系统应该具有的几个主要功能模块,以建立一个数据库中间件系统设计模型。 基于这个模型,本文还给出了基于XML的数据库中间件系统(XMLDBMW系统)的设计方案,并作了一个简单的实验系统。XMLDBMW系统主要由系统管理监控进程和数据库中间件服务器两个进程组成:系统管理进程主要任务是为系统配置、系统的启动和终止、系统监控提供一个可视化的操作界面;数据库中间件服务器是整个系统的主要部分,包括了上述理论模型的主要功能。在整个系统的设计和实验系统实现过程中,最大限度地松耦合设计,并采用跨平台的数据——XML作为数据交换标准、跨平台的语言Java作为开发工具,并严格的遵循相关的国际标准,便于以后的稳步扩展和标准化。 最后,本文总结了作者完成的主要工作,并提出了下一步的研究方向。

【Abstract】 In the software architecture, the trend for adopting the heterogeneous architecture becomes more and more obvious. The development of middleware gives light on the match among the heterogeneous software architectures. Database middleware is a technology used most extensively and maturely. It can availably wrap to different database system’s methods and interfaces, provide some public interfaces for its client to visit the distributed databases in the heterogeneous platform. The database middleware technology is not only an effective way of increasing software productivity, but also it can provide new software with high reliability, high performance, high quality and low cost.This paper analyzes a common problem in the process of software engineering from two viewpoints: customers and software engineering technology. Then, It is expounded how to give birth to the database middleware technology. The paper analyzes the database middleware’s present situation and its disadvantages. To satisfy requirements, the paper analyzes some characteristics of an ideal database middleware system. This paper constructs a design model of an ideal database middleware system with these characteristics.According to the model, this paper implements an experiment system, named XMLDBMW(XML-Based database middleware). The system consists of an administration tool and a database middleware server process. The former is to provide a visual interface for administrator to configure and control system. The latter, which is the core of the system, implements the theories model. XML is used as the standard format for data exchange and Java is used as developing language in the system. And, the design strictly follows related international standards to be convenient for expanding and standardizing in the future.Finally, this paper summarizes the main work that the author has completed, and puts forward the direction of further research work.

【关键词】 中间件数据库中间件软件复用XMLJava
【Key words】 MiddlewareDatabase MiddlewareSoftware reuseXMLJava
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】327