

Comparison Research of the Govermment Financial Policy Supportive System the Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises between Hubei and Taiwan

【作者】 吴松强

【导师】 邓泽;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,中小企业在我国国民经济和社会发展中的重要地位和作用,受到了社会各界的广泛认同,引起各级政府的高度重视。世界各国的经验表明,中小企业发展所面临的一个最普遍和最关键的制约因素就是融资问题。 朱镕基总理曾经强调要借鉴台湾发展中小企业的经验振兴我国中小企业。我省是中小企业云集的地方,中小企业在我省国民经济中占据极其重要的地位,然而,资金短缺也是我省中小企业发展过程中的最难于突破的“瓶颈”。近年来,国家和各省市政府部门以及金融机构一系列改善中小企业融资境况,扶持中小企业发展的措施陆续出台,但从总体上看,还缺乏一套完整的、稳定的中小企业融资支持体系和运作机制。在这种背景下,很有必要对有“中小企业王国”之称的我国台湾地区的中小企业融资体系进行研究、比较和总结,结合我国我省已经和即将采取的一系列改善中小企业融资境遇的措施,探讨如何进一步完善我省中小企业融资支持体系。 本文运用理论与实践相结合、综合研究与比较分析相结合,注重实证研究的方式,客观的将中国的中小企业融资方式与西方发达国家企业融资方式进行对比分析,从中受到启发。然后,笔者系统的分析我国台湾地区中小企业融资的政府政策支持体系,再对我省中小企业融资的现状、渠道及特征进行实证分析,找到我省中小企业融资难的“症结”所在,最后,借鉴台湾地区先进的融资经验,针对我省实际,构建适合我省中小企业发展的多元化新框架的运行机制,这就是本文遵循的逻辑。 本文主体分为五大部分: 第一部分对中小企业融资理论、融资方式及中小企业政府金融政策支持体系建立的必要性作了介绍依次介绍了早期的融资结构理论(净收入理论、净营运收入理论、传统理论),现代企业融资理论和中小企业融资理论。此部分一方面对下文的陈述作好了理论上的准备,另一方面,对中外企业的各种融资方式、融资困境和中小企业政府金融政策支持体系建立的必要性分析,也为下文分析台湾中小企业先进的政府融资政策支持体系和湖北应该采取的融资措施作了铺垫。 第二部分系统介绍了台湾中小企业政府融资政策支持体系。其中建立专门的融资法规和管理机构、构建信用保证体系、创立“二板市场”和完善风险投资体系、组建中小企业发展银行四方面的举措在该融资体系中是重中之重,也是促成台湾能够成为“中小企业王国”的催化剂,这方面的举措在我国发展中小企业方面还是“空白一片”,尤其值得借鉴。 第三部分对美、日、欧等发达国家先进的融资经验进行了对比分析。各国扶持中小企业的政策比较(各国对中小企业的资金援助的比较、建立完善的社会化服务体系的比较和中小企业的合作关系的比较)及中小企业合作关系的比较,这两大方面全面再现美、日、欧等发达国家发展中小企业的先进的经验。这部分可以和台湾发展中小企业形成对照,在发展中小企业方面,它们有各具特色的经验和政策,对我们全面了解世界上各先进国家中小企业发展第4页武汉科技大学硕士学位论文是非常有帮助的,他们都可以对湖北发展中小企业起到很好的借鉴作用。 第四部分利用实证研究的方法,全面系统客观的分析了湖北中小企业的现状、特点、融资现状、融资难的成因及融资渠道和结构特征。其数据来源于湖北省企业调查队2001年对上千家中小企业的实地调查统计资料,数据确凿、可靠,此部分是论文的“高潮”部分,其中对融资难的成因分析及融资渠道和结构特征的分析,立足于银行、企业、政府各自自身的问题及它们三方面的关联,具有较强的“立体感”,是论文中全面“发现问题”的部分。 第五部分“借鉴台湾中小企业融资经验,构建我省中小企业融资多元化新框架的运行机制”,是全面解决问题的部分。此部分消化吸收了台湾中小企业先进的独具特色的政府融资政策的支持体系,从“政府,中小企业,金融服务体系,制度”四个子环节如何加强自身建设,如何有效衔接的角度,构筑了富有湖北特色的中小企业融资多元化新框架的运行机。这样结尾,自然显得水道渠成,恰到好处。 本文的创新之处表现在将湖北这样一个中小企业众而贫的省份与中小企业非常发达的我国台湾地区在融资政策上进行比较分析的成果还未出现,因此本项目的研究将填补这一空白,从而丰富了中小企业的融资发展理论。

【Abstract】 In recent years, small -and medium sized Enterprises’ important position and function in the national economy and social development, suffered the extensive approbation of social public, and caused the high degree thought of the all levels of government. The international community’s experience expresses, small -and medium sized Enterprises’ development facing the most widespread and invite factor is a margin problem.The premier Zhu Rung ever emphasize that we should draw lessons from the Taiwan’s small -and medium sized Enterprises development and blossom ours.My province is a place that small -and medium sized Enterprises’ swarm about, it occupy very important position in our province’s country economy, however, that the funds is missing is also the most difficult breakthrough’s" bottleneck" in the small -and medium sized Enterprises’ development. In recent years, measures on mend of circumstances and margin support from the section in each province city hall and financing institution arrive, but from total up to see, still lack a complete and stable margin supporting system and operating mechanism. Under this kind of background, it is necessary to research, compare and tally up on the small -and medium sized Enterprises’ margin precedes about "small business enterprise Kingdom" its call of the Taiwanese region. Joining together our province ’ measure of the circumstances of on the mend and small business enterprise margin that will soon adopt, and study further how to perfect my province margin support system.This text make use of the theories and fulfillment to combine together, synthesize the research and compare the analysis combine together, make a point of the solid way that study, objective contrast the analysis, between China’s and the west method of margin proceeding, then inspire from it. Then, I will analysis the supporting system of the government policy on small -and medium sized Enterprises’ margin proceeding. And then solid analyzing the present condition and the way of ours, finding out " key sticking point" of our margin proceeding difficulty. Finally, draw lessons from the experience of Taiwanese margin of forerunner region. And aiming at my province actually, set upping a movement proceeding mechanism for diversified and new frame for small -and medium sized Enterprises’ development. This is the logic for my paper to following.The corpus of text is divided into four greatest parts:Firstly we made an introduction about theories and methods of margin proceeding of small -and medium sized Enterprises. Then we make a comparison analysis on the sector of margin proceeding difficulty in America, Europe, Japan and Taiwan.Statement that this part is one hand to make the continuation theoretically of preparation, on the other hand, is to make the cushion for the analysis of first class margin proceeding policy of Taiwanese small -and medium sized Enterprises and for the policy we should adopt in Huber small -and medium sized Enterprises.The second part of systems introduced the small business enterprise government margin of Taiwan inside the policy support the system. Among them, establishing the specialized margin laws with managing the organization, setting up the reputation to guarantee the system, founding "two plank markets" are perfect risk investment system, setting the development bank of small business enterprise in Taipei First Boys School is everywhere a raising of catalyst for raising the in the margin’s system is heavy inside it heavily, and also helping realizing Taiwan becoming the " inside small business enterprise Kingdom", this aspect is at the our country development inside aspect still" blank one" of small business enterprise, particularly deserve draw lessons from.The third part make use of the solid study method that, completely analyze the present condition, characteristic, the present condition, difficult cause, structure characteristic and way of margin proceeding of Huber small -and medium sized Enterprises’. Source of its data is statistics results on-site inspec

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