

【作者】 朱莉

【导师】 娄国伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是国防科研基金项目“非大气窗口毫米波引信探索性研究”的重要组成部分。由于非大气窗口毫米波波段是指大气衰减严重的毫米波波段,所以本文首先讨论了此波段在各种气候条件下的传输衰减特性,以确定其在理论上的可行性。根据分析所得到的各种衰减量,可以推导出工作于此波段的近程雷达受作用距离的影响及抗干扰性能。 在完成了以上的理论准备后,下一阶段的工作是实际样机的设计及工作体制分析研究。主要完成了三角波调频体制下的差频信号在时域和频域两方面的特性分析,并采集了5mm波段实际的三角波调制差频波形,通过将理论值与实测值的比较分析,表明5mm样机前端部分的可靠性,为后面的信号处理电路设计作准备。 最后讨论了此波段近程雷达在引信中的应用。由于非大气窗口毫米波的特殊性,它能增强引信工作的隐蔽性,使敌人难以侦察及干扰,并且大气衰减不影响毫米波近炸引信的正常工作。所以将非大气窗口毫米波近程雷达应用于引信是一个十分重要的方向。

【Abstract】 This paper is an important part of Native Defense scientific research fund task "non-atmosphere window millimeter wave fuse exploring study". First, this paper discusses the transmitting attenuation property of non-atmosphere window millimeter wave, because of the great atmosphere attenuation in this band. It confirms this task is feasible in the theory. Based on the all attenuation , we can find the short range radar worked in this band is affected by action distance and interfere.After completed theory analysis, next work is the design of actual instrument and theory analysis of working system. This paper mainly analyses dispersion frequency signals’ time and frequency property of triangle wave modulation. Real 5mm dispersion frequency signal is collected. The theory data and real data are compared and analyzed. It shows 5mm radar forepart is practicable, it also supplies theory base to design back signal processing circuit.At last , the paper discusses this radar’s application in the fuse. Because of the extraordinary property of non-atmosphere window millimeter wave, it can make fuse work covertly. The enemy spies and disturbs it difficultly. The atmosphere attenuation don’t affect the natural work of millimeter wave fuse. So it is an important direction that non-atmosphere window millimeter wave short range radar is applied in the fuse.

  • 【分类号】TJ410
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】218